A Fifth Turtle?!

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It was a dark and stormy night- Oh wait, wrong story...

Outside you went wearing your favorite hoody and sweatpants.

It was your turn to go grocery shopping.

Apparently, raising four teenaged boys and a five year old meant having to purchase more food weekly. Who would've thought that? -note Author-Chan's sarcasm-

You had a very specific list of items to buy;

-Pizza Kits
-Chocolate Milk
-Lady Things (for you and Rosie)
-Chocolate Eggs
-Chocolate Vegetables?

"I see Rosie helped make the list this week." You thought out loud, chuckling at your chocolate loving daughter.

You entered (insert favorite grocery store) and grabbed a cart.

---Time Skip W/ Short Intermission---

---Time Skip W/ Short Intermission---

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-End of Intermission-

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-End of Intermission-

You bought every item on the list, including snacks that you'd hide for yourself later, and were about to head home.

However, once you walked outside you had a strange feeling.

It felt like you were being watched...

You looked around trying to see if anyone was there but it seemed you were alone.

As you turned to the alley where your manhole cover was you smelled a familiar scent.

'One of the boys must be trying to pull a joke on me.' You thought to yourself.

Your sons were the only ones you knew who consistently smelled like turtles. After all, they're turtles.

A small thud was heard a few feet above you.

You turned around and looked above to the fire escape of a nearby apartment.

There stood a shelled figure wearing a light blue mask.

"Leonardo, is that you?" You called up to the figure.

It jumped down and landed a few feet in front of you.

"Who are you?" You backed up toward the manhole.

"Are you Hamato (Y/N)?"

"That depends on who's asking..." You slowly reached for the shuriken you kept in your pocket.

"My apologies. My name is Venus, and I believe that you know my 'brothers'. There are four of them."

'She must be talking about the boys.' You thought to yourself, 'Then again there're plenty of mutant turtles in New York, right?'


"Can you please describe them for me?" You asked, making sure she wasn't trying to trick you.

"The only memory I have of them is from the time we were normal turtles in a glass tank. Two of them have blue eyes, one has green eyes, and one has brown eyes." She continued describing the turtles.

"Well what are their names?"

"We had not been named yet. We had just been adopted from a pet store."

"That's not enough information for me to trust you. How do I know you're not a spy of the Shredder? How do I know you're not trying to hurt my family-"

"I would never do such a thing. They're my family too." She looked away sadly, "I've been alone ever since we were seperated. All I've ever wanted was to have a a family to come home to."

You thought for a moment before lifting the manhole cover, "Follow me."

"Down the sewers?"

She hesitated before following you down.

"When we get to our destination, stand behind me."

She looked at you questionably but nodded.

When you had finally reached the lair the boys had been lounging around and watching television in the living room, along with little Rosie who was napping on the couch beside Splinter.

You cleared your throat and the attention of your sons and husband turned to you.

"There's someone I would like you all to take a look at, tell me if she seems familiar at all."

You stepped out of the way so that the boys could get a good look at Venus. Each of their eyes widened slightly when they saw her.

"She lived in the same tank as us before we were mutated." Leonardo broke the silence that filled the room.

"How on Earth would you remember that?" You raised an eyebrow.

"We're smarter than we look, Mom." Michaelangelo shrugged before stuffing a slice of chocolate, grape jelly, jalepeño pizza.

"I told you, I'm telling the truth."

You sighed and hung your head in defeat.

"I suppose if you four trust her... She can stay. For now..."

'Note to self, keep an eye on the new girl...'

Oh (Y/N), if you can handle Asia, you can certainly handle another turtle in the family.

Apologies again for taking a while to update but don't worry, I'm already working on the next chapter.

And quick question, who else thinks iOS 10 looks kinda weird?

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