When You Find Weird/Embarrasing Stuff In Their Rooms

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The picture is there because I thought it was funny.

It was the time of the year that everyone in the lair- scratch that, the world- hated.

Spring cleaning.

Now I know what you're thinking. 'Spring isn't going to be here for another 2 months.'

Well (Y/N), with four greasy-pizza loving teenagers (They're not greasy, the pizza is) and a semi-psychotic 5 year old running about, you've got your work cut out for you.

And since Splinter had the kids under intense training for this week, its going to take a long time for you to clean the whole lair by yourself.


Leonardo's room wasn't very messy and was fairly easy to clean...except for his closet.

Instead of clothes, shoes, and the occasional box of art supplies (don't ask), his closet was full of Space Hero paraphernalia scattered all over the place. Posters, action figures, old movies and episodes, you name it.

Cleaning his closet wouldn't have bothered you if it weren't for the several pairs of space hero bras.

"Leonardo..." You called for him.

"Yes, Mom?" He poked his head through the doorway.

"What is all this?" You pointed to the pile of bras.

"Those are the space hero sling shots Raph and Asia got for me."

You looked at him, then the bra, then back to him.

"They told you these were sling shots?"

He nodded his head.

You made a mental note to yourself to ground Raphael later.


You were sweeping the floor in Raphael's room.

How he managed to have so many dust bunnies under his bed was a mystery.

While trying to sweep any remaining dust and dirt from under his bed you felt something paper-like move on the floor.

When you got the paper-like item from under the bed, you were shocked to see that it was a space heroes comic.

"Raphael, come here please."

He ran into the room. "Yeah?"

"Did you take this from your brother?", You held up the comic book.

"I was...reading it." He mumbled the last part.

"Why do you seem so embarrassed about it?"

"Because I always make fun of Leo for watching it."

You sighed. "Go finish training, I'll put it back in his room for you."

He smiled, "Thanks Mom"

You finished sweeping and left his room.


Donatello was always in his lab, so his room wasn't all that dirty. The only problem was that everything was covered in dust.

Every time you dusted something off, more dust went with it.

You grabbed a cleaning rag and started wiping off his dresser. When you finished, you noticed a small carving on the desk.


It took you a moment to remember that Donatello used to have feelings for April.

"I'll just cover this up" You put his alarm clock over the spot and kept cleaning.

It's probably really old.


You had assumed that since Michaelangelo was always either watching TV in the living room or eating pizza in the kitchen that his room wouldn't be a challenge.

However when you opened the door, you saw just how wrong you were.

There were old slices of pizza on his bed, sticky spots on the cieling, empty pizza boxes and candy wrappers everywhere, and for some reason he had a dirty pair of underwear on his floor.

As you finished looking around you made a very good decision.

"I will pretend I didn't see this" You closed the door.

Rosie (That adorable phsyco)

Rosie's room was perhaps the easiest to clean out of everyone elses.

Her clothes were already folded and put away and she didn't have too much trash laying around.

The only thing that made you feel uneasy was the amount of pictures of Casey she had...

You didn't even know how she had gotten some of them.

You decided to forget about seeing any of them and finished the rest of the room.

As you walked out and closed the door behind you only one thing came to mind.

'Man I have wierd kids'

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