"So you knew his father, then." I state, less of a question and more of an observation.

She nods as she chews thoughtfully and then swallows. "He was a great man."

"I wish I could have met him." I admit honestly. "He died? Enzo rarely mentions him, but he spoke of his mother." I pick at the lettuce in my salad with my fork. "It's clear he loves her more than he realizes or wants to show."

She looks down with a small, regretful frown. "She died when he was 14. His father, Luciano, was killed a few years ago. Almost 3 now. Leaving Enzo in charge." She motions her arms up and around, like saying 'in charge of all this'.

With just those few details, Enzo makes a lot more sense to me. She died when he was young, that's why he regards her so highly and it hurts him to talk about. I could see it in his eyes. His father died when he was a man and able to grasp and cope with it, which is why it affects him less on the outside to talk about. I can relate to one of those.

"Can you tell me about him?"

"He was a good man and boss. Hardened and ruthless like you need to be in this life, but caring in other ways. He loved the boys very much, although sometimes it was hard to show that after Clarissa died. Perhaps that's why I have stayed here so long to help Enzo where I could. Still, Luciano molded him into the perfect leader. Enzo is even better than he was. Respected, but feared. Fair, but dangerous and unrelenting. Smart and cunning." She pauses for a second and looks up to me with a nervous look. Like she said too much. "You know what he does, yes?"

"Yes. Since day one." I reply to calm her.

She relaxes.

"I guess you would have to, he did hire you." She says almost as if to herself.

I nod regardless.

"Does it bother you?" She asks quietly. "This life - the brutality - it isn't as glamourous as tv and movies make it out to be."

I wonder if she knows about my role in last night... something tells me she wouldn't look at me as fondly if she did, though, so probably not.

Regardless, I answer her proudly.

"I like him more for it." I grin and she smiles, happy for him I think. "Besides, do I seem like a woman who wants a boring, ordinary life?"

Daria laughs. Harder than I expected from her tiny frame.

"Very much the opposite, dear. You were made for the mafia."

I suppress my smirk as I go back to eating my salad.

All of a sudden, something crashes in the house behind us and we both jump in our seats at the boom.

"Fuck!" A voice yells, followed by another sound of glass breaking.

I know that voice.

I get up quickly and open the door as Daria waits at the table behind me. She doesn't seem as phased now after the initial crash. Almost as if she is used to it.

A string of curse words, in both English and Italian, are screamed at the top of his lungs, echoing through the house.

I find him in the library with Anthony walking away shaking his head.

"Enzo, what happened?" I ask hesitantly as I approach him.

He doesn't seem to see or hear me over his shouting. He flings books off the shelves, hurling them across the room. Some get close to me and I jump out of the way as I step closer. His face is red and enraged, no ounce of kindness or playful Enzo form last night anywhere close to his current state. His eyes are bloodshot and fuzzy. I can already tell he is completely drunk. I wonder how long he has been home... or did he drink on the way back from the meeting?

"Fucking assholes!" He screams, throwing the rest of the books from the shelf away from him.

"Tell me what they said." I try again and he still doesn't register me being here. It's starting to scare me. Not in a way that he would hurt me, but scared for him. He's in a completely different world in his head, detached from reality. He could do something reckless and terrible in this state.

He needs to sober up and calm down.

"Not their business?!" He shouts mockingly. "I'll make it their fucking business!"

He grabs the lamp from the table and goes to throw and smash it. I clamp my hand down on it before I can stop myself and he struggles against my grip. He yanks on it and shoves and instantly, I feel the pressure and shock of it smack into my face and send me flying back on to the ground.

I press my hand to my stinging cheek and look up to his shocked face as he slowly realizes what he did. He looks from me to the lamp in his hand and drops it as if it's poisonous or disgusting. Or rather, he's disgusted with himself.

The Enzo I know comes back to reality as he kneels in front of me, reaching out to cup my face.

"Fuck! Cat!" He frowns as he searches my face and eyes worriedly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you."

"I know." I nod and let him run his thumb along my cheek bone.

He pulls his finger back and I see the red residue on it. His eyes widen as his face twists and contorts, horrified that he caused me to bleed. He starts to back away, distancing himself, but I snatch his hand.

"Hey. It's okay." I reassure him, reaching my other hand up to his cheek. He shakes his head, lowering his eyes.

"No, it's not. I promised you I wouldn't hurt you." His low, pained voice is all it takes for me to climb in his lap and force him to look into my eyes, my hands cupping his face.

"You didn't mean to." I tell him firmly and his eyes widen. "I forgive you. It's okay. Really."

I slowly remove my hands and his frown deepens.

He rests his forehead against mine, breathing quietly. I hold his hands in mine in between our stomachs.

"Never again." He whispers.

I graze my lips against him softly in response, accepting both his apology and promise, because I know for a fact he means both.

Author's Note:

Lots of info in this chapter to keep in mind later. Wanted to drop some background info but also bring Daria back in a bigger way. I'm tired of the little glimpses of her... she's my favourite character. Who is yours? Comment your answer!!

Did Cat forgive Enzo too easily for hurting her or was it an accident and okay, like she said??

Thanks for reading! Please voteeee!

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