A New Friend

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*this chapter has been revised*

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new book. Even if your confused a little at first trust me, things will be a lot clearer as you continue reading.

And there will be some appearances from our favorite characters in the actual show. I hope you all enjoy!

Asalyn's pov
"What!?!" I felt a mixture of emotions boil up inside me. Shock from this sudden arrangement my master has proposed, honored my master believes I am ready to take on such a heavy burden of responsibility, but most of all fearful. I'm fearful that I'm not ready for all of the above.

"I'm quite serious, my young apprentice. You are ready. The only one stopping you from achieving this rank is yourself and you are doing it out of fear. Remember what I taught you? Fear leads to-"

"Anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering. You're an excellent teacher master but taking on the role of General is an entirely different matter. And besides I literally became a knight three hours ago!" I quickly covered my mouth not meaning to raise my voice at my beloved master. She has been there for me since I was a young girl. The last thing I want to do is show her any disrespect.

"You know what I find funny? Your a Knight now yet you still call me master. Just like Kenobi and Skywalker. Oh dear! That reminds me. We have a meeting with the council. They will decide the legion your assigned to and give you your very first mission without me. Are you excited Asalyn?" My master Depa Billaba asked me with a huge grin on her face.

"Excited? No. Gravely afraid of the path that has been placed in front of me without my consent? Yes." She rolled her eyes but her smile softened. That's one thing I'll definitely miss about her. My master always shows the most sincere and genuine smiles when I need them most. Her bright smile makes all of the worry and fear disapate.

"Now come. We best not keep the council waiting."

"Coming master."

"But first..." She handed me my jedi robes which I so despised. I visibly cringed as I reluctantly accepted the robes and formal wear. This is practically a routine we've created. Before I go near the presence of any jedi masters (except for my own) I dress in more appropriate clothes to meet the jedi's specific standards. Let's just say I'm not the most... traditional padawan around. Instead of elegant swaying robes I prefer leggings, scarred leather boots and fingerless laced gloves. I put on my robe and walked away with my master by my side. Just like always. Unfortunately it won't stay like that for long. As we walked down the several different corridors I waved to many different jedi. I passed my green friend Bariss, and her master Luminara. Also I passed Plo Koon and Obi-wan. But behind Obi-wan was one familiar face, and one completely new to me. The young girl appeared to be a teenage togruta girl in a short red top and a red skirt with scratched up boots. Ooh I like her style. Who is this mysterious new orange face?

"Um. If you'll excuse me master I would like to catch up with Anakin. Do I have permission to meet you at the council chambers in a few minutes?" She nodded and shot me another one of her genuine smiles.

"Very well. But don't be too late. You know master Windu would lose his head if a pesky knight kept him waiting. Again." We both giggled as she waltzed away with her elegant light brown robe flowing behind her. I ran to catch up with Anakin and the new comer. Eventually I caught up to them huffing and panting.

"Hey Anakin. Long time no see. So mind introducing me to the new youngling?" The Togruta girl gasped and sent me a harsh glare. Anakin put a calming hand on both of our shoulders. He pressed the girl back a little.

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