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Third Person POV

Both of them were shocked and were staring at each other being completely frozen. Sooah never thought that she'd be seeing Jungkook like this and Jungkook being her boss and her being his employee was way out of her imagination. The one with whom she had a one night stand, the one with whom she lost her virginity. The one with whom she made the biggest mistake in her life. The one she never wanted to see in her life.

She was still surprised and somehow seeing him completely a different person he was now was something she can't resist. More manly and mature he looked. Like how he was handling the biggest company now and was a CEO.

And on the other hand, Jungkook was completely stunned seeing Sooah out of nowhere. His heart was as beating as loud ad Sooah. He couldn't recognize her she was completely a different person now. He saw somewhat nerdy Sooah at school. Wearing simple loose tees and jeans with a high ponytail or bun.

And now seeing her with a white button-up shirt with a black pencil skirt. Her hair freely falling on her shoulder. The beautiful eyes in which he was looking right now was somewhat hypnotizing him that he couldn't look anywhere else. Her pointing nose and her pink tint juicy lips which were slightly parted. As he thought she was as shocked as him.

For him, she was breathtakingly beautiful. It reminds him of the Sooah which was at the party four years ago. And somewhat he knew that he felt some connection towards her. A totally different connection which he never felt with any other girl.

As they were having a staring contest together. Here was Jin totally confused, looking back and forth towards them. He cleared his throat for the fifth time but still, no one of them had any attention towards him.

He sighed "Ahem..Ahem...Umm Miss Lee," he said slightly tapping her shoulder. And there she finally broke the eye contact and looked at Jin who was giving her a confused look.

She shook her head coming back in her sense which was lost a while ago. She looked at Jungkook "Umm y-yeah, H-hello Mr J-J-Jeon. I'm I'm Miss Lee Sooah your new e-employee. Nice to meet you Mr J-Jeon. I'll try my best to work hard." She said and mentally face palmed herself for stuttering.

He looked at her. "Yes Miss Lee, I expect the same from you" He stated with a slight smirk. Amused with her stuttering.

She looked at him and fake smiled.
"I can assure you that."

He nodded his head and leaned back in his chair. Poking his inner cheek with his tongue. "Okay, Miss Lee you can start your work now. Hyung tell her what she needs to do." He said while looking at Jin as Jin nodded his head.

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