He turned his head around so fast it must have made him dizzy. He looked relieved at my return and sat down in front of me. My head reached his shoulder even though he was sitting down and I was standing.

“I didn’t have much sorry” Placing a biscuit in the palm of my hand and stretched it up towards him. He took it gentle from me and swallowed it whole.

“You’re meant to chew” I scolded. I gave him up another one and he did the same. I stretched him up another. Just when he was about to take it I pulled my hand back.

“Chew” I demanded handing it to him again. He took it gently and I heard it crunch as he bit into it. Then he swallowed it again.

“More than one bite” I laughed at him. There was only one more biscuit left and handed it to him. It was gone in a second.

I ripped the ham up and mixed it with the chicken pieces. I held it in both hands and brought it up to his mouth. He licked it out of my hands. His tongue on my skin was tickling me and I suppressed my giggles.

“All done” I told him like a two year old when he had ate all of it. My hands were wet and I wiped them on the side of his face. He groaned and stepped away from my attacking hands.      

“Bella, I think the stakes ready” Charlie called from the house. I rolled my eyes at how Jakes eyes widened at the mention of stalk.

“Don’t worry, you will get some” I told him. I kissed his head then ran back into the house.

“What were you doing out there?” Charlie asked as I entered the Kitchen he was sitting at the table getting ready for his meal. Looks like Charlie is Hungary as well.

“Just getting some fresh air” I mixed some pepper sauce as I placed the stalk out. There was two pieces each as they were quite small. I would save one for Jake.

“Looks like it did you some good. There’s colour back in your checks” I blushed at Charlie’s comment. I don’t think it’s the fresh air doing that.  

Charlie dived on the food as soon as I placed it in front of him. “That was delicious Bella, thank you” he left and went back into the living room to watch his sports.

As soon as I knew he wasn’t looking I rapped the stake I had left and sneaked back out the door to give it to Jake. He was still sitting were I had left him. His tail started wagging as he seen me.

“I can’t stay long. Charlie doesn’t know I’m out” I whispered. He looked desperate staring at me but his eyes soon adverted as he smelt the stake. I made sure there was some sauce on it for him. 

“Here” I threw it up into the air and he caught it in one quick moment.

“I got to go” his eyes went back to those sad ones and I hugged him. I didn’t want to leave but I was worried that Charlie would release I was gone.

I stepped away from him and kissed his head like I always did when I was leaving. He licked the side of my face and I gave of a little squeak wiping my face.

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