> anger

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Pain. Thats all he felt.

Beams of fury rose in the pit of his gut. His face wrinkled in absolute torment and his breathing became ragged and uneven ; every breath he took was short and harsh. His eyes watered instantly but he used the back of his hand to wipe the trickling beads of water away.

"You killed her," He spat after inhaling harshly, "You killed, the only girl i would ever love,"

His green eyes pierced into the boys blue ones. His lips were quivering with anger and the cool air kissed his tan skin in fruitless attempts of calming him down. His body trembled as he tensed up.

"You killed her," He whispered softly, 'You killed her,"

"Johnny, I-im sorry," His sisters voice whispered softly, "I'm so freaking sorry,"

"She's gone Choppy," he whispered as he pressed his eyes shut and let a tear fall.

"She deserved it after what she had done," The blue eyed boy spat violently, "She deserved it after she killed my mum, now you know how it feels,"

"She didnt kill your mum! Your mum commited sucide! She wrote a diary filled to the brim about her sucidal thoughts!" Johnny roared, "Kenzie didnt do anything! My girl, my true love is dead because of you! You killed her! Your mum commited sucide! Theres a huge fucking difference!"

William flinched instantly. Johnny was shaking (finally spelt it write #swag) violently. His teeth were gritted and bared, ready to attack. His green eyes no longer held their usual joy. 

"Kenzie talked her into it!" William yelled infuriated.

"She did nothing of that sort!" Johnny laughed humourlessly, "Your mum commited sucide because of your dad! I'm sorry to have said this so raw but Kenzie did nothing,"

"Stop!" William excalimed, "You have no right to talk about my family that wa-,"

"You have no right to talk to my girlfriend that way!" Johnny cut in, "I'm going to killl you,"

Lauren gasped as she wiped away her own tears, "Johnny, don't"

"I'm going to kill him," He breathed out, "you killed the love of my life, you killed my girl, you killed her William! You fucking killed her! What the fuck is wrong with you! You murdered her!You fucking murderer!"

"John," Lauren whispered, astonished at his raw insults.

"She killed my mum! She literally said, then leave!" William exclaimed,

"Kenzie helped your mum! She helped her! She was the only one she could trust while you were walking around doing drugs and drinking just like your father!"

"Shut the fuck up," William whispered.

"I am going to kill you," Johnny sniffled with pure anger, "You killed her, you fucking bastard,"

adios amigos

uwu all my oneshots r death

go check out new book in grp acc <3


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