But the situations that made them meet were not so simple and plain.

He knew that she knew he was not just a simple man.
He was something beyond her thinking which probably she would never accept.


It means there were chances that she could accept him but he was killing those chances himself.
He didn't wanted any problem on her due to him.

He is not safe, his work is not safe, everything in his life is not safe.

Everyday, everytime he play with danger.

His life is not at all predictable.
Actually he only is not predictible.
Be it with his feelings or business or his work.

He then turn her towards him, with his one hand on her back and other on her waist.
Her one hand was on his shoulder and other on his arm that was holding her waist.

Sidharth make her body bend backward with himself and then pull her towards him in a jerk.


Both were breathing heavily and their hot breaths were falling on each other's face as they were too close.

" Just stay away" resting his forehead on hers , he again said this and walk out from there without giving another glance leaving her behind.

She just kept looking at his retreating figure and then walks to a scheduled corner of a balcony.

She rests her hand on the railing and calms down her heartbeats.

His words were still ringing in her head. Why he told her to stay away from him!

Why do he want to stay away?

This man is really as confusing as calculus.
You need to think a lot to just get the meaning of his one line properly.

Can't he be straight as a line.
Why he need to insert one more query in her head when there are 100s of them already.

That day also he didn't told me why he shot Rathod.
I mean I accept he is a mafia but that doesn't mean he can shot anyone, anywhere.

" Hey people, let me just acknowledge you to the presence of our special guest - "Sanjay Malhotra."
Mr Khanna announced in the mic gaining everyone's attention including mine.

I walked to the main hall and see Mr Khanna and Sanjay Malhotra standing at the middle of the hall.

Sanjay Malhotra was a man of about 50-52 years and he had a different winning smile on his face which I so wanted to swipe off from his face.

I was standing on his left side a little ahead of everyone .

He was not familiar to me but I was.

I saw his gaze frequently stoping at someone.
I followed his gaze that lead me to a familiar figure on his right side just in front of me but at a fine distance.

There was standing Sidharth Shukla with his both hands in his pocket with his eyes still on Sanjay.
His eyes were little red and the intensity with which he was looking at him had the capacity to burn him off alive.

His aura was something that was highlighting him in this hall full of people.

My eyes were on Sidharth while he was reluctant to shift his gaze from Sanjay.

Something strike my head and my head roamed all over the hall scanning all the people.

While searching , for once my eyes met with Sidharth who instantly averted his gaze but u didn't.

He was also searching something or someone, his eyes were also roaming here and there.

Not finding anything, we both stopped our search at Sanjay.

" We had one companion to join who was also special guest of this party but unfortunately he couldn't. So we are sorry for that".

" Enjoy yourselves and let us celebrate our victory on this deal which couldn't be possible without Mr Sanjay and his partner. So enjoy" Mr Khanna exclaimed over mic to which I again cursed my luck.

Why couldn't god just let me meet him once?
Why!! Ahaa!

I saw Sanjay smirking taking a sip of his drink eyeing Sidharth who was sitting on a stool near the bar, now totally ignoring his presence , quietly supping his drink.

Something was definitely up on his mind.

Few minutes before, he was eating him with his eyes and now sitting over there all calm.

This man is really of out my understanding range.

I noticed Sidharth's eyes stopping at me few times just for 1 or 2 seconds and then quickly removing them off me.

This all is so hell confusing.
When the fuck will I get my answers.
Someone please help me...


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