Behind the scenes

Start from the beginning

"Hello there!"

The woman spoke in the direction of Wilbur as the two boys conversation ended.

"Oh, hello ma'am"

Wilbur smiled back to the woman

"Not meaning to be so fast forward, but you are very handsome, could I take you out for a date sometime?"

She giggled. Schlatt felt himself fill with anger a little bit seeing as he had felt attraction towards Wilbur for a long time now.

"Oh I uh.."

Wilbur stutterd out not sure on how to decline seeing as he had no interest in this woman all that much.
Right as he was about to decline he felt a hand on his waist and pulling him in more, upon looking closer it was Schlatt's hand around his waist. Schlatt placed his chin on the Britts shoulder. Wilbur felt himself heat up quiet a bit. He knew Schlatt always had a cocky personality and would make sly comments on him and compliment him a lot, but he never thought much of it, thinking Schlatt had been joking around with him.

The woman obviously saw this happen and saw wilburs face grow red. She grew with anger but kept a small smile on her face.

"He's taken."

Schlatt stated knowing damn well he wasn't.

"Oh, my bad. But by who if I may ask"

She said through gritted teeth.

"If you really must be in his business, it's me"

Wilbur had never felt himself blush so much with having overheated at the hand slightly gripping his waist even more and feeling Schlatt's breath on his neck.


The elevator had reached ground floor. And Schlatt had now grabbed wilburs wrist with force pulling him out

"Have a nice night ma'am"

Schlatt directed towards the woman with sarcasm.
The woman scoffed and walked down the hall way to the receptionist desk.

The two boys walked out the building, Schlatt now letting Wilbur go. Wilbur caught himself back into reality and grabbed Schlatt's shoulder pulling him to a stop.

"Hm?" Schlatt hummed turning to Wilbur sliding his phone back in his pocket


"What the bloody hell was that!?"

Wilbur raised his voice, still having a flushed red face. Schlatt just smirked then laughed and turned to his to face the slightly taller man, he forcefully grabbed wilburs coat collar and pulled him down a little more to Schlatt's height.

"Didn't want that Bitch to steal you from me. Simple"


Schlatt letting loose grip on the collar of the jacket and fixing the collar let go and started walking.


Schlatt yelled out. Wilbur pulling himself together walked over to Schlatt and grabbed his hand sheepishly. Schlatt looked over to see wilburs toned down but flushed face being hidin in his jacket, the American chukeld and intertwined his fingers with The Britt.

______________TIME SKIP_____________

They got the movie theatre deciding to see "IT" it was the only decent movie playing that night. They got there snacks and tickets and sat down in the theatre. About halfway both of the guys had finished their snacks and drinks and were genuinely disinterested in the movie, also seeing as a couple in front of them decided to makeout and things were getting heated between them. They both got up and Walked out the theatre and saw the back doors, they walked out through them to find a concrete stair case  that had a great view of the now approaching moon.

They sat down on the steps and talked and laughed for a little while looking at the moon in the distance.

Wilbur and Schlatt fell into comfortable silence before making eye contact. Wilbur spoke up.

"Schlatt, I don't know how to say this, since ur my Bestfriend and I don't want to ruin that.. but, I have feelings towards you Schlatt.."

Schlatt pleasantly surprised by this, he laughed softly.

"I like you to dumbass, I mean I compliment and flirt with you all the timmmeee~"

Schlatt spoke dragging his last words longer. Wilbur laughed and placed his hand on the side of Schlatt's face and falling silent looking at his features, his tanned skin, his hazel brown eyes, his fluffy hair that falls just over his eyes, his very light freckles that dusted his face, his..his..

"Are you gonna kiss me or what?"

Wilbur snapped out of his gase to find Schlatt smirking back at him brushing his hair out of his face falling back after. Wilbur laughed and brought him closer before closing the gap. The kiss fell light. But that didn't last long (Ofc it didn't-) Schlatt pushed forward cupping wilburs face with both his hands, earning a slight gasp from Wilbur from the sudden movement. Schlatt took that opportunity to slide his tounge in wilburs mouth exploring (😏😏) Wilbur fell back catching himself on his forearms. They Parted for air leavening a small trail of saliva that connected their mouths but soon broke.

Schlatt laughed at the flusterd Britt under him and sat up. Wilbur sat up and calmed down his nerves.

"Little much for our first kiss, no?"

Wilbur chuckled out.


Schlatt said smilling and laying his head on wilburs lap.

"It's late, I will call a Uber"

Schlatt hummed in response. Wilbur called an Uber, they sat there in comfortable silence cuddling onto each other sharing warmth.


1539 words

Anyways- hope y'all enjoyed and leave some suggestions plz-

The only Idea I have rn is like: Wilbur is painting his nails and Schlatt is interested but dosent know the exact way to do it himself and so Wilbur paints them for him :)

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