Start from the beginning

"WHAT HAPPENED?! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO FAIL TOGETHERRR," he wailed, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me. I sigh and just relent to him. "You didn't even fail, Dumbki, none of us did-"

Suddenly, the boy was pulled off me.

"Bakugou?" Kaminari sniffled, nose practically dripping snot as he stared at the blonde through puffy eyes. The boy in question was holding up the human pikachu by his collar.

That is until he grimaced at Denki's horribly disgusting crying face and subsequently dropped him on his ass.

Kirishima chuckled. "I guess Bakugou's tutoring really workes!" He grinned, shark teeth flashing with a juxtaposing childlike innocence. "I made top 15!" This only induced another pitiful wail from the electric boy, now a heap on the floor.

Somehow, despite being tutored by Yaomomo, THE INCREDIBLE WOMAN WHO GOT FIRST IN CLASS, he managed to get last place.

"I'll say, I almost beat the man himself!" I grinned, resting my elbow on the explosive blonde's shoulder. He clicked his tongue and shrugged my arm off.

"Don't worry Kaminari! We still have the practical exams going for us!" Kirishima cheered, going to help the boy off the floor.




Not that it was neccessary.

Upon hearing and prompty remembering about the practical exams, Denki shot to his feet with a confident smile.

"Alright! I'm gonna destroy those damn robots!" He grinned.

"Robots? Mr Aizawa never mentioned anything about robots? Right Ryo?" Jiro asked, coming up behind me and hopping onto the table next to me.

I gave her a cheeky grin and Bakugou scoffed.

"Damn bumpkin never listens in class, that's why he's stuck in fourth place," he grinned cockily.

"BOI I WILL PUNT YOU! DON'T FORGET THAT YER IN THIRD YA HYPOCRITE!" I yelled to which he just put his hands in his pocket and turned away.


Then a pair of hands held me in place, one moving to pat my head. "There there," I recognised the voice of that icyhot boy anywhere.

Anyways, no way I could stay angry when the guy was petting my hair so comfortably like that so I relaxed.

As our protagonist visibly lost some steam in the boy's cool touch, the rest of group sighed and turned back to the topic at hand. "Itsuka Kendo from Class 1-B told us that an upperclassman told her that we'll be fighting Villain-Bots again!" Mina chirped.

"I dunno if its gonna be that simple," I sighed, recalling how Hawks mentioned there being a surprise to the practical exam aspect.

"Why's that?" Kirishima asked.

"Gut feeling?" I make up some lame excuse to prevent being sussed out.

Yea, a UA student living with the number 3 hero? That was one secret we couldn't let get out, not yet anyways.

Soon enough, Aizawa entered the class and revealed what the real practical exam would include.

"You will all be paired up and tasked with taking down a prohero, one of us teachers that is," he announced, arranging his papers by tapping them against the teacher's podium.




"RYO YOU DAMN JINX!" Denki cursed, earning a whack over the head from Aizawa.

"You have all been paired up and matched with the teachers in a way that will challenge your weaknesses," he says as he returns to the teacher's podium. "You will do well with learning to overcome these weaknesses, only then will you stand a chance of winning."

"Of course the teachers will be given a handicap," he metions, holding up a rather heavy looking set of weights. "These weights will be strapped onto the teachers."

"As you all know, we have a training camp in the woods towards the end of the summer holidays, as such," he glared down at all of us, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Anyone who fails the exam will not be allowed to attend the training camp with the rest of the class."






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