"Dude! Finally, I really thought you won't be coming here tonight. I thought we had to go to your house and drag you out of there." Seulgi said and chuckled.

"Glad that you came." Jisoo said.

"By the way Lisa this is Jeongyeon." Tzuyu introduced the short-haired girl beside Jisoo.  And the girl smiled at Lisa.

"And Jeongyeon, this is Lisa." Tzuyu continued.

"Nice to meet you Jeongyeon." Lisa smiled and shook hands with the newly found friend. Too bad this will be the first and last time they'll hang out while she's still in the country.

"Nice to meet you too, buddy." The girl said and patted her back.

"Take a seat, Lisa. Let's have fun and forget your problem even just for tonight." Tzuyu said and dragged Lisa and made her seat in on the couch.

"Cheers to Lisa's shattered heart!" Seulgi said while raising her glass of champagne.

"To Lisa's shattered heart!" They repeated except Lisa and did the same thing as Seulgi. Then they started drinking their liquors. Lisa was a bit uncomfortable though because she was still finding the right timing to tell them of her rushed departure. They're supposed to have fun, she thinks it will ruin the mood. However they have to know anyway so she took a deep breath and pulled herself together.

"Guys, I have something to tell you." She started which grabbed her friends' attentions.

"Spill the tea, dude." Seulgi said after sipping through her glass.

"I'm leaving the country tomorrow." She announced which made them all became silent. They clearly wasn't expecting that.

"Dude, you're kidding right?" Seulgi said and let out an awkward laugh. She thought Lisa wasn't serious but Lisa shook her head seriously.

"Why? Where are you going?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm going back to my home country. I have to go there because my grandma needs me. I don't actually want to go there but I don't think I have a choice." She answered and smiled weakly.

"Is it really necessary? I mean don't you have other relatives there?" Tzuyu pouted.

"She wants to see me. It's okay, I think I need it too anyway. I mean staying out of the country for a while might help me heal from y'know everything that's been happening lately. Everything just seems so tough here. I hope it isn't the same when I'm there." She explained.

"I think it's a good idea though. You need time and space to heal and grow more but we will miss you." Jisoo said and sighed. She can't hide her sadness about Lisa leaving them but she likes the idea though because staying here is only making Lisa drown with the loneliness more. She should probably try another environment.

"Yeah! We will miss you so much!" Tzuyu exclaimed.

"Take care there, alright? We don't want our Lalisa to go back home lacking something." Seulgi reminded her.

"You kind of sound like my mom." Lisa said and they laughed.

"I think this only adds the reason why we should drink more and have fun tonight. Let's make most of this time while Lisa is here." Jeongyeon said and they agreed.

"I won't be drinking too much though because I have a flight to catch tomorrow." Lisa said.

Then they continued drinking and partying all night like it was their last. They played some games and they said some deep messages for Lisa to remember before going away. It's so sad but at the same time they're happy that Lisa is trying her best to pull herself together. They just hope she won't take long outside the country. Or else they might go after her. Well, that isn't a bad idea.

Jiyong on the other hand, went home so pissed.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Jennie asked her dad. Then Jiyong took a deep breath.

"We found Kim Jongin but we weren't able to find her, sweetie. But don't worry we're going to continue tomorrow. I'll try my very best to give them the punishment they deserve. We're going to get the justice soon." He said and hugged his daughter. Jennie hugged her dad back.

Up until now, it still feels so surreal to her, having a father. All her life she only had her mother so it is very new to her but slowly she's getting to know her dad and she can't explain how good it feels that she have him. Just like what her mom said, he love her so much and he's a good guy. He's been treating Jennie like a princess and giving her everything she and the baby needs. 

And yes, he's mad for what happened to Jennie. But he's also excited see his first grandchild. He have no beef for the baby because the child is innocent. She is not accountable for what her father did.

"It's okay, dad. Uhm thank you for everything you have done for me. You already did a lot in a short span of time. I appreciate it." Jennie said and Jiyong kissed the top of her head.

"It's nothing, sweetie compared to the things I should've been able to do if I was just free." He said.

"I'll take a rest now." She said.

"Go ahead, I know it's a tiring day for you."

So Jennie, proceeded to her room and lied in the bed staring at the ceiling. Then she started wondering where the hell Lisa went to. She hopes that the latter is safe and doing fine.

By the way, she only got there in her dad's place yesterday. She knows that Lisa won't exactly do what she said about keeping distance. So she did something. She asked favor to her dad to let her live with him and of course he agreed. He literally missed the nineteen years that he should be with her. It's a good opportunity to start catching up with each other's life. Luckily, her mom let her. Although there is still a beef between the two parents.

Dara doesn't worry much though because she knows her husband won't hurt Jennie. She was just overly dramatic in the past because she was mad.

Besides, they're keeping in touch with each other through text and calls. She is even welcome in her husband's house but of course she won't even take a step near it because of pride. She's still not making up with him.

So far, the man had only been a great father to her. He makes sure that she and the baby's needs are met and they talk about their lives. He even told her the story of how he and her mother met. She ready heard the story but it was nice to hear it in another point of you.

There's one thing she realized. It's that her parents still love each other.

Love is really powerful.

Despite of what is done and the time spent apart from each other, it could still stay. Will it be the same for her and Lisa? She don't know because each time, the situation gets more complicated and then everything just messed up. She don't know what lies ahead of them but if it's gonna be the two of them in the end, then it's gonna happen.

Love + Destiny.


I want to update one moreeee. I'll try.

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