Chapter 40 - Shadow world

Start from the beginning

"Think she knows we're here?" Lantern joked, Lilith didn't bother answering as she followed them slowly, she didn't want them to know that it wasn't Ivy's powers that grew them. Even without asking she could feel it. Her powers had somehow grown again, she was stronger so much so that she felt nearly every plant in the place. Why she didn't know but it wasn't the first time, the powers seemed to come in waves even more so now that she was getting closer to her mother. Batman had said perhaps the serum Lilith had been injected with had amped up her powers, and even with it out of her system it had started something. Her powers had been forcibly unlocked, whether on accident or not. It was happening.

Lilith sighed slightly as every last root around her lead her to her mother. Where she sat waiting for them on her flower throne, swamp thing at her side. It was scary and yet comforting, her powers growing stronger. Lilith felt as if she was maybe almost as strong as Ivy at this point, maybe.

"She's this way," Lilith said as a path of glowing plants. "Screams 'trap' to me," Lantern said and as if to his words all open paths not currently glowing grew a new wall blocking their way. Lilith however hadn't been the one to do it, it was a trap and her mother wasn't going to let them out so easily. She walked slowly behind them holding back any plants that threatened to attack. Not that either of the heroes noticed. To them, it was just an annoyingly long hallway of plants.

When they rounded the final corner they were lead into a large open area. Most of the floor was split between baths, half of them were filled with blue water. Water lilies and lily pads covered the water sections as were vines and flowers with teeth covered nearly every wall. Leaves seemed to give the ceiling a fake canopy treetop look. Ivy sat on her throne of flowers on the other end of the long room. The Swamp thing was next to her holding a tray of fruit for her to pick from. She however was ignoring it and him her green eyes trained on Lilith's.

"At least two of you have good taste, Batman you should really try going green some time," Ivy said, and suddenly Batman was hanging upside down in a cocoon of leaves and vines.

Green Lantern wasn't so lucky as vines from the pond grabbed ahold of him and he was suddenly being dragged towards the water. Lilith grabbed his hand practically playing tug-a-war with the vine to keep Lantern's head above water. Lilith was untouched by the plants, either by accident or because of her powers she didn't know. She assumed the ladder when she glanced at her mother and saw her eye twitch ever so slightly in irritation.

"Well hello again Jewel Weed," Ivy said seeming entertained at the struggle Lilith was having. Lantern tried using his ring but ended up chopping through the vines almost as fast as they grew back. Batman was trying to cut through his own vines and barely was able to pull them from his face to shout. "Behind-!"

Lilith didn't get a chance to move as hands appeared out of literal darkness and grabbed her dragging her into it. She didn't even see Lantern enter the water but with a splash and a scuba helmet, and he was dragged under.


Magical darkness enveloped Lilith but she didn't panic at first. She felt as if she was being dragged through a place with no gravity and yet she could breathe. Whoever was holding her was dragging her away from the portal opening and down into a dark realm. She couldn't do more than flail about in the darkness. She only started to panic when she realized that she couldn't even feel her plants anymore.

Lilith had never been cut off from plants before. Even when flying she could feel something, the vine around her waist and the leaves on her face slightly glowed. Trying to calm her, giving her an ever so slight amount of light to see as the portal closed leaving her in the strange dark.

Reminding her that she could never truly be cut off from nature.

"Hello Jewel welcome to the party," Prince whispered into her ear his voice magically changed, like Batman's voice changer did to her own voice.

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