🤍 Terrified Part 3 🤍

Start from the beginning

"Can you zipp me?" You had questioned, feeling the sudden need to be near those hands again. He walked over and spun you around placing soft slow kisses on uour neck and shoulder as he unzipped your fancy dinner dress. "I mean up, benny."

"Oh. Sorry love, the directions were unclear." He let out a small chuckled as he whispered in your ear. You spun around to face him. Your hands restednon his bare chest, where he had forgotten about his buttons in order to zip up your dress. His arms wrapped around your waist. He drew small circles all along the small of your back.

"So, ill go girl dinner with Beth, and then halfway through, I will notice that a tall, handsome, chess champion is eating alone."  you spoke slowly, running your hands up and down his hard, smooth chest.

"I hope that handsome figure your speaking about is me." He interjected

"Who else, my love?" You replied. Be have a satisfied grin. "Then I will hint to Beth that we should be kind and invite the lonely cowboy to eat dinner with us." Your hand still trailed against his toned chest. You continued to speak in a tone that had a sensual comnotation. You took a moment to observe how much taller he was than you. The top of your head, when standing normally, only just made the top of his chin.

He pushed your chin up to face him. He placed a small kiss on your lips, and when he pulled away your lip got caught in between his teeth. You pushed yourlils to his again, but this kiss started to turn into a heated affair. The two of you gravitated to the door where he pushed you up onto it.

"Mhm, mhm, Benny. We have to go." You reluctantly let out. He placed you down fixing his hair while you buttoned up the rest of his shirt.


Beth and you waited for the host to seat you. The two of you talked about chess for what felt like an hour until you got seated.

"Yeah, that's why I always open with kings, because nobody knows how to respond to such a peculiar gambit." Beth just stayed silent there was clear something bothering her.

"Is he here?" She said in a serious tone. Your face fell.

"W-what." She started to smile. Her severe facade falling.

"The person you always talk on the phone with, is he here, in the hotel."

"I-i don't know what your talking about." You tried to cover up the shock and fear in your voice.

"Huh, okay, you can keep your secrets but I will find out eventually." She mocked.

"Oh, look there's benny, and he's sitting all by himself. You should ask him to join us." You rushed, she gave you a wierd 'Im on to you' look before waving at benny. Benny walked over with a flirty grin he always seems to wear.

"Both harmon sisters in one booth, this must be my birthday." He flashed a smirk.

"Watch it benny," Beth cautioned, but her face softened, "come eat with us. We are discussing openings."

"Gladly." He said, moving to sit next to you in the round booth.

"So I see you two have been getting quite comfy." Beth observed.

"Its good to know the people in your professional circle." Benny replied, Beth in response gave a nod. The three of you sat in an awkward silence.

Benny's pinky brushed against yours under the table. He hooked his finger around yours giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Are you two excited for tomorrow?" Benny questioned.

"Of course" you said. With a smile.

"Meh, its work." Beth said at the same time as you.

"Who are you playing first?" you asked Beth.

"I don't remember his name." She brushed off. We both nodded, until finally our food came.

"So. Y/n how did you and Benny really become friends?"

"Well, I've played him many times Beth, and we got drinks after Texas last year. It seemed to have just happen."

"Interesting." She eyed benny. Silence fell upon us once again. She placed her silverware down abruptly. "I am a fucking grandmaster. Do you think I'm dumb?!" She spat.

"Beth what are you on about?" Benny questioned.

"Whats your motive?!" She questioned him. Her eyes peirced his.

"Beth are you okay." You questioned.

"NO I'm not OK, goddamn Benny Watts is fucking my sister!!" She shouted. Good thing the restaurant was empty.

You and Benny looked at each other with wide eyes.

"We're n-"

"Dont lie to me!" She started and you shut up. "you have a sudden friendship with him, all of your out of state calls go to new york, you were fucking wearing hi dumbass flower robe, and you just happened to have the same flight?! you-" she pointed at benny. "Have a problem, im sorry you need to keep your dick wet, but it doesn't mean you do it with my sister. And you!" She pointed at me. "Are an idiot and your getting played by a fucking chess cowboy."

"Now hold on!" You started but were cut off.

"No. Benny, you are not to touch my sister again, if i hear that you even looked at her, I will kill you. What are you doing, making your way through the harmon family?!" Benny went to respond but you stopped him.

"Enough." You said standing up. "I am not the problem, I have been dating benny for a little over a year now, and can assure he has no motive as you put it. To even imply, let alone say, that he does, Is absolutely horrid. Why can't I be happy. When we were in the orphanage, I couldn't be friends with anyone, when I starting playing chess, I wasn't smart enough. And when I started to win tournament, you just couldn't be happy for me." you spat at her. Years of anger and grudges just spilling out.


"No, im not a child anymore. I don't need you to be my mother! If anything you need to grow up. Yes mom killed herself, I was there you don't need to continue to treat me like it happened yesterday. And you know what? I'm done living in your shadow, every thing I do is to please you! And the one time I finally do something for me, you have something to say about it!"

"Y/n-" but this time it was benny who grabbed your hand.

"Im going upstairs, and I'm gonna fuck my boyfriend, and I will see you tomorrow. I hope by then You will be able to learn to accept me for a sister, not some charity orphan that you have a duty to protect." You scrunched your nose with disgust before you pulled benny with you up to your room.

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