Nine - Pearl

Depuis le début

"It was just a precaution." Seth's eyes drifted towards me. "A redundant precaution."

"Where's the Alpha?" she asked, strangely a little breathless.

Weird... but her attention remained glued on Gunner. I took a moment to look her over, and along with everyone else I'd encountered since arriving here, she was breath-taking and tall—very tall.

There was a deep richness to her black skin. Hair wild and free, her eyes the deepest of dark chocolate, with lips that would be the envy of any woman. In sharp contrast to her fierce beauty, and beautiful she was, I imagined she looked this way from the first rays of dawn to the serenade of every moonless night. A homely, welcoming vibe flashed through her smile as her eyes remained locked on Gunner.

Gunner stepped forward offering his hand? "Gunner," he announced, but his voice wasn't the usual deep and threatening tone. No, it was almost a squeak.

Well, shut the fuck up!   I'd never seen Gunner greet or introduce himself to anyone. But then again, everyone knew Gunner back home and made a beeline for the door to avoid him.

The woman glided towards him as if some invisible line pulled her. "Eve," she replied placing her hand in his as they both stood studying each other.

Me and Sylar glanced at one another as a grin as wide as the parting of the red sea sat on his face.  'Mate!'  he said via mind-link and my mouth dropped open.

Well, spank me pink. This was Gunner's mate?

I stood there holding my breath. Then it just happened. He grabbed her or she grabbed him; they moved so quick I wasn't sure. I took a step back as his grunts and her moans heated the room. "Jeez, get a room, you two."

They sprang apart, both looking like they weren't sure what had just happened, and Gunner looked a little shell shocked.

"I think it's better if we took this somewhere else." she implied looking towards Seth, who nodded but looked thoroughly amused.

Gunner turned towards me... looking a little conflicted. I guess the big man had given up on finding his mate. I would make sure his mate didn't feel the sting of rejection that I'd felt. "Go, you big oaf. I'll be fine."

.He grunted but turned back towards Eve and gestured with his hand. "Ladies first," he said.

Fucking hell... now he's a gentleman too? Wonders never cease!

Shaking my head, I was happy for Gunner and it looked like Sylar may have found his mate—although she was missing?  I was sure there was a story there. But it made my loss feel even more physical as my wolf whimpered... Mate.

I hear you, girl.

We needed some breathing space. "Do you mind if I clear my head—I'd like to head out to get some fresh air?"

"Do you want me to come with you?" asked Sylar and Seth in sync.

I held up my hand. "No, it's okay. Could do with a little down time if that's okay."  Heading out the same way the Alpha had left, my wolf's head shot up, hoping for a run.

Find Mate...

Oh no, no, no. He already knows where we stand. He can bloody well come to us and apologize, and then we will take it from there.

I knew full well. If I let her loose, she would track him down and throw herself at his wolf's feet. Therefore, at least one of us had to maintain some dignity.

And there was no way on this goddess's green earth I would throw myself at his feet.

No. Fucking. Way!

Pearl RisingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant