Cole's guilt (Chapter 25)

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Viktor's POV: 

When I saw Arlin completely emotionless I was shocked and scared. 

Viktor: Arlin, nothing will happen. It's past school time I'll drop you to your home. And no one will say anything like that. You don't have to say about it to anyone except your brothers. And your brothers will understand. You have done nothing wrong. Give me your address I'll drop you. 

But she didn't say anything. 

Viktor: Arlin, pls say something. 

Nothing, she said nothing. Just stood there staring into space. I wish I could help her with her emotions. I took her phone which she was holding, and luckily it was unlocked. I opened her contacts and tapped on a name, Cole. 

Cole: Hello, Arlin where are you? Your brothers said you are not in school, and not at home also. 

Viktor: Excuse me, Cole, this is a friend of Arlin. She is with me. Can you tell me her address and come there? I might need your help. 

Cole: Take her to the Ruggiero mansion, you know where it is right?

That's when I remembered, she had said Arlin Ruggiero.

Viktor: Yeah. Pls come soon. And if her brothers are searching for her, could you make sure they know she is coming home, they'll be worrying otherwise? 

 Cole: Yeah sure. 

I cut the call and dragged her to the bike, she was just staring off into space. I feel really bad, it's difficult to take in such a news. I made her sit on the bike and sat myself before driving to her home. I just made a friend who is the sister of the Ruggerio brothers. I did hear rumors of a girl roaming with them, who everyone thinks is girlfriend of one of them. I hope its not Arlin, like it's crazy if people assume your brother as your boyfriend. Anyways, I reached the mansion and again tried to make Arlin speak or show any emotion. 

Viktor: Arlin, we have reached your home. Arlin. 

I sighed when she didn't respond. I picked her using both my arms. I reached the door but couldn't ring the bell with her in my hands. I was about to make her stand when I heard someone's voice. 

Cole: Excuse me, I am Cole, I think you are Arlin's friend?

Viktor: Yeah. 

Cole: What happened to her? Her eyes are open means she is not sleeping or unconscious, but why is she not saying anything? And why are you carrying her?

Viktor: I'll answer all your questions, but we should take her inside first. Can you ring the bell?

He quickly rang the bell and a boy opened the door. Before he could ask any  question I took her inside as Cole talked to him. I laid her on the couch there. I turned to see 7 people staring at me for answers. 

Viktor: She is in shock, due to which she is not responding. In school I had seen her and she had fainted. Once she woke up, she asked if I could take her to hospital. I agreed as she looked really ill, before that she had seen one  of you I guess, she said it was her brother walking and had hid pulling me. In hospital the doctor said that she is....

I couldn't continue, I don't know how to tell them, I don't know if she wants me to tell them. I looked back at her as she still laid there motionless, and sighed before turning back to her brothers and Cole, who I think was the boy she had seen but I am not sure. I sighed before telling them. 

Viktor: She is pregnant. 

It was like thunder had struck the boys. They all looked shocked. 

Cole: Do you know who is the father? 

He had tears in his eyes, it was like he knew but didn't want to accept. 

Viktor: No, but she did say that she doesn't have any boyfriend and that she was virgin, at least that's what she thought before getting the reports. 

I handed the eldest person her reports and phone. They all had tears by now, knowing their sister is feeling helpless, but what was still confusing me was that Cole's eyes were filled with guilt. The person who I gave her report and phone passed it to the boy who had opened the door. He went and kneeled near Arlin and held her hand. 

Anthony: Angelito, say something pls. Tell us how you are feeling or anything. 

She slowly turned her face to him. Seeing them reminded me of my sister as I smiled with tears in my eyes. 

Anthony: Arlin. 

She hugged him tightly, falling on him as he fell down. Arlin started crying in his embrace. I turned away from them, to see Cole looking like he is about to say something. 

End of POV.  

Cole's POV: 

All I could feel was  guilt. Because of me Arlin is in this situation, because of me she might have to suffer so much, because of me she lost her memories. And I have to inform her brothers of this, I don't think I'll ever have the courage to tell her the truth. The person who was supposed to be her brother destroyed her life. After knowing the truth they might not want me in her life.   

Cole: Can I talk to all the brothers except Anthony, alone?

They nodded and came with me. I didn't call Anthony as Arlin needs him with her and he will for sure kill me when he finds out I am the reason behind his sister's condition. Even others may, but the situation cannot be avoided now.


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