Imagined who? (Chapter 39)

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Emiliano had left the chat, so I also went and got ready, before going down. All except Al were there. 

Richard: Now only Al is left to come. 

Just then he also came. 

Greg: Let's go now. I am feeling hungry. 

We all got in the cars. This time, with our car, we had taken a taxi too. I, Greg and John were in the taxi, while the others in our car. Greg was busy texting someone. 

Arl: Who are you talking to? 

Greg: Al. 

John peeped into his phone. 

John: It's so difficult to believe you both are not twins. 

Greg:  If we would have been, then me, Al and Arl would have been a triplet. 

John: Actually no, she is far more mature than you kids. 

Greg: We are not kids. But yeah, Lini, you are the youngest, yet act like the eldest. You and Tony are the same. Not only by the habits and brains, but also looks. You both have the same eye colour also. 

John: Even I agree with that. 

Arl: That's true. Even me and Al are the same, yet Anthony and Al are so different. 

Driver: We have reached. 

We went to the other brothers, who had reached before us. We went and sat on a table. I was about to sit between Vincent and Greg, but Al pulled me, making me sit next to him, and Anthony sat there instead. 

Arl: Why are you pulling me? 

Al: Anthony and Vincent always sit next to each other. It's either for talking about business, or just because they are in habit of it now. 

I nodded. 

Al: Is the back pain better now? I know it must have pained a lot, though you said it did not. 

Arl: It still hurts, but it's better now than it was at that time. 

Al: Few were very deep, so I guess you should get them stitched, or they won't heal at all. 

I didn't answer him. I didn't want anyone else to see them. I heard him sigh, and looked at him. 

Al: I can do it if you don't want anyone else to see. 

Arl: You know how to stitch wounds? 

Al: I'm a medical student, so yeah I know how to. 

Arl: I didn't know you study medical. 

Al: I want to become a doctor in future. In fact apart from school, I study with the help of an experienced doctor, so I have more knowledge and experience. 

Richard: Arlin, Al what do you both want? 

We said whatever we wanted. 

Arl: That's great. 

Al: And surprisingly no one else in the family ever even thought of becoming a doctor, I am the first one. By the way what do you want to become in future? 

Now that I think of it, somewhere I remember wanting to open an orphanage. Not only with the orphans, but also where the guardians can drop their children for awhile, and wanting to help the ones who aren't in a safe environment. Not only bringing the ones who are suffering due to their family, but shifting families, with children specially, to a safer place. 

Arl: I want to run an orphanage type with...

I continued by saying what all I plan on doing in the orphanage. 

Al: Wow, that's great and unexpected, with your intelligence and you being studious. 

Arl: I know, but since sometime before I remember wanting to do this only. 

John: The food is here. 

I looked to see others had started eating also. 

Al: When did it come? 

John: When you both were busy talking. 

Al: Oh. 

I started eating, not interested in hearing them speak to each other. Just then I felt someone's gaze on me. I turned around to see it was some man, I feel like I have seen before, but am not able to remember him. He kept staring at me, which got me confused. Where have I seen him? Just then I felt a hand on my back, making me jump, due to pain as whoever it was, had touched a cut. I looked back, to see it was someone else, not the person I assumed before, and turned around again, not realising Al, who had touched my back by mistake was saying something. Who is the man I had imagined? He had to be someone I know but I just can't remember who. And why did I suddenly imagine him? I was brought to my senses when I felt sudden pain in my stomach making me hold it, which no one noticed as my hand was under the table, except Al, as my elbow had bumped into his elbow due to my sudden action. 

Al: Arlin, what's wrong? I was calling you but you didn't respond, and were looking back, and now clutching your stomach. 

Arl: It started paining suddenly. 

He paused for a second before replying. 

Al: Its because your stomach muscle are stretching, to make space for the little one. It will be fine in sometime. 

I nodded, not feeling like eating anything now. 


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