Arlin's boyfriend (Chapter 18)

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Cole: It's so boring, We already know these concepts.

Arl: Yeah. Despite being in different schools we atleast had the same courses.

Cole: How are your foster parents?

Arl: They um died.

Cole: Oh sorry.

Arl: How is Marco? You don't let me meet him also. The only thing I know is he is your twin whose face also I have never seen. 

He suddenly stiffened, his eyes filled with rage and a hint of guilt just like I had seen in my dream. It reminded me of him mercilessly beating someone in the dream. It made me afraid, cause even after seeing so many emotions I saw on him, today is the first time I saw not only anger but rage in his eyes. When he saw me getting afraid, not only because of the rage in his eyes but also because of the dream, his eyes softened as he held my hand, a way he somehow knows can calm me. After few minutes when my fear was gone and I stopped trying to pull my hands from his grip. His eyes showed worry like he knew it wasn't only the rage in his eyes. But what made me sad was there was hurt in his eyes, for the first time I was scared of him. The rest of the period we spoke nothing to each other.
When the bell rang we got up and left for the cafetaria as it was break time. We went to the counter and took our food, luckily my brothers had forgotten to give me money so I used mine only. Cole knows he can't win argument on this so he has stopped trying long time ago. We sat on a table. 

Cole: So, you didn't say why are you in Mexico.

Arl: Well, I recently found out that I have brother... 

Before I could continue someone patted my shoulder. What is with people interrupting. I elbowed the person behind me in irritation. I realised what I had done and my eyes widened. Cole was chuckling seeing my horrified expression. I glared at him, making him stopped and turned to see someone holding their stomach while Al and Richard were laughing. 

Arl: Shit, I'm so sorry. And why are you idiots laughing? 

Boy: It's okay.  

He went from there, actually ran from there scared that I might hit him again. 

Richard: I told you right, she elbows really hard. 

Al came and put a arm behind my neck. 

Al: Hey baby. 

Arl: Hey Sandro, it would be better if you stop trying to choke me to death. 

He immediately removed his hand annoyed, knowing that I didn't mean it. 

Richard: Hey Arl. 

Arl: Hi. I forgot to infor... 

Before I could continue Cole cut me off, ugh why don't people let me complete my sentence. 

Cole: Parker, mind introducing them. 

Cole was glaring at Al and Richard, while they were glaring at him. 

Arl: These two are my brothers. Alessandro is my twin while Richard is my elder brother. And this is Cole, my friend, more like brother. Now please stop glaring each other, I don't get why are you all so protective. 

They stopped glaring each other and offered friendly smiles. 

Arl: John and Greg have gone home due to some work. 

Al/Richard: Ok. 

Cole: Want to join us?

Richard: We would love to, but we'll be sitting with our friends. You both can join though. 

We both agreed and went with them. I noticed one of them was Greg's friend, one was another boy and there were two girls. 

Richard: Hey guys. 

Other 4: Hello. 

Girl1: Who are you?

She asked me. 

Arl: I am Arlin Parker. 

Boy2: Are you Alessandro's girlfriend?

Al started laughing to this while I stared at the boy like he was crazy. 

Greg's friend: No, she is Greg's girlfriend. 

This time Richard was the one who shot an annoyed look as I was also laughing. 

Girl2: No, I think she is Richard's girlfriend. 

Now even Richard was laughing. 

Girl: No, she is Cole's girlfriend. She was calling him bae this morning. 

All of us stopped laughing as Richard and Al looked at me. 

Arl: If you all are done discussing about who is my boyfriend, mind your own business. 

They all started talking as my twin and elder brother were still looking at me. 

Arl: I was saying baby bro, like I always do to tease him, he is an year older than me yet we are in same class, just like Greg. He likes being as an younger brother to me, but hates it when I add baby, as it sounds like he is a small baby, his words not mine. 

Al/Richard: Oh. 

Arl: And Cole, I have 4 more elder brothers, Anthony, Vincent, John and Greg. 

Cole: Ok. But why is it still Parker instead of Ruggerio?

Arl: Anthony forgot to change my last name, so till then I am Parker in school. 

Al: What? Anthony forgot to change your last name?

Arl: Yeah. 

After that we were just having our food and talking on random topics, till bell rang. I went to my next class with Cole. The day went by normally. I mean the school day, I have a meeting with the Mexican mafias after school, luckily my p.a. did all the arrangements other wise I would have to leave school during the break itself. 


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