Back home (Chapter 36)

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Arl: You can say that, like the only thing I know is she was Viktor's elder sister, around 5 years elder to him. And that she was very popular. 

Richard: Wait, Viktor is her brother? 

Arl: Yeah, but he never mentioned anything about her or any of his family member, considering I have met him only twice. 

They both exchange glances. 

John: But Al was saying he loves his sister. 

Richard: Then why the hell would he kill her? And why is he in the same school? 

Arl: One second, the rumour about her brother killing her, you believe it?

John: We did, until now. From how much we have seen, he loves his sister a lot so he can't kill her. But how do you know all this? All this was forgotten long ago. 

Arl: On the school website, I was simply scrolling it. I didn't realise when I reached posts from a long time ago.   

Richard: Oh. 

Just then I started feeling sleepy, as I yawned. 

Richard: I guess you should sleep. Anyways it will take time, it takes 15 hours. 

Arl: I know, while coming here also it had taken the same time. 

With that I kept my head on John's shoulder. But it was very uncomfortable. 

John: You can lie down no, there is so much space beside you. 

Arl: Hmm. 

I lied down with my head on his lap and fell asleep. After I don't know how many hours, I got up due to a scream. I sat properly rubbing my eyes as I looked up to see Anthony glaring at Vincent who was glaring at Al who was glaring at a sleeping Greg. 

Arl: Why are you guys glaring each other, and Anthony why is your shirt red? 

Anthony: Vincent fell on me, causing the drink to fall. 

Vincent: Al hit my head hard, causing me to fall. 

Al: Greg doesn't know how to sleep also, he was rotating his hand which hit my head, making it bump into Vincent's head as I tilted that side due to the force. 

We all looked at a sleeping Greg, who wasn't disturbed by the screams also, unaware to the mess he created. 

Arl: Anthony, I guess you should wash your shirt, unless you don't mind the drink sticking on you. Vincent and Al, stop staring the sleeping boy, he won't be affected by it, you are wasting your time only.

Anthony went to wash his shirt, Al and Vincent turned their faces, as they just slept or scrolled their mobile. I turned my head to see John sleeping, as Richard stared at him. 

Arl: Richard, why are you staring at a sleeping boy now? 

He was still staring, lost in thoughts. God knows what he is thinking. I shook his shoulders, and he finally looked at me with eyebrows raised. 

Arl: Why were you staring at him?

He just shrugged. 

Arl: How much time is left? 

He was once again lost in his thoughts, looking at me this time. I again shook him. How much does he think?

Richard: Do you sleep well every night? 

Arl: Why? 

Richard: You slept for 12 hours, and looked very exhausted. 

Arl: What? 12 hours? 

He nodded. Due to nightmares, I wake up very early everyday, and I usually end up sleeping late due to work. Being away from Russia and working isn't that easy. But it's not impossible, and can't blame my brothers for caring about me. Plus I have come more close to the Casso brothers. Though we have found out who is Marco, it's not easy to find him physically. Right now, as Cole had said, Marco is in Italy. And here in Russia, those 4 men will soon be with us. We are taking them to Mexico though. Of course, Jasiel had informed all the brothers about them. Finally, I'll get my revenge. 

Richard: Arlin, we will be reaching in one and half hours. 

Arl: Ok. 

After 1hour 15 minutes, we both woke up all the others. When we landed, and were allowed to go, I ran outside, but was lifted in air.  

Vincent: Princess, don't run around. I know you are excited but we don't want you getting hurt. 

Instead of dropping me, he just continued walking. The air hit me, as I absorbed in the familiarity of it. This place has after all been my home for so many years. I saw them all going towards a car. 

Arl: Where are we gonna stay? 

Anthony: You say, you want to live in your previous home or hotel? 

Arl: Previous home. 

Anthony: Ok then. Richard knows the address so he will be driving. 

We all sat in the car. Richard and Anthony in the front, they didn't want to keep a driver for I don't know what reason. In the middle its me, Vincent and John. Al and Greg are behind us. And of course I am sitting in middle.  After sometime, we reached my home and went inside, using the key I had. 


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