Bunny (Chapter 44)

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He balanced himself on time but the whole mat moved, leading Vincent whose half of the foot was on the mat to trip. He tried balancing himself by holding the sofa's handle but he didn't see and held Arlin's shoulder by mistake. She flinched hard taking his attention and then she shouted. 

Arl: Leave me, pls pls leave me. I didn't do anything, please. 

The three didn't know what to do. No one was even touching her, but one touch had triggered her, and she was feeling like its not her brothers but the men standing there. She kept moving due to which her back which was bleeding started aching alot. Al had no option so he came forward and held her arms, stopping her movements, and she kept shouting. 

Al: Arlin, Arlin its me, Sandro. 

She stopped shouting hearing the familiar voice, shouting louder than hers. 

Al: Baby, pls calm down. 

He hugged her. She stiffened for few seconds before hugging him back. 

Al: You both please go to the car, we'll come. 

The two nodded and went. Al puled back from the hug, Arlin was still sobbing badly. 

Al: Your back, its bleeding very much. 

Arl knew the reason, she had rubbed her back on the sharp corner without realising while having the panic attack when she slid down the wall. 

Arl: But what can you do here? 

Al: I found these clothes here, I think you should tie it, or it will keep bleeding. 

Arlin nodded taking the top and cloth. She tied her top which she was wearing to avoid infection knowing those clothes are here since long and then wore the top, first cleaning away the blood as much possible with the cloth. She came out and then both went to the car. Anthony and Vincent were confused seeing her wear a different shirt but kept quiet. They all reached home and went inside. Arlin knew there will be many questions on her behaviour now, but didn't know what answer to give. After reaching home before anyone could ask anything Al took Arl to her room. He did the bandaging and then came downstairs. Soon she also came after changing. 

Anthony: Who's home was it? 

Vincent: Zavid. Arlin had once said me his address. 

Al: But how did you faint? 

Arlin: Due to pregnancy, its normal right? 

Al nodded, not catching her lie, no one did. They didn't ask about her shouting though. They knew reminding her of it would stress her more which isn't good for her and the baby. 

Greg: Lini, we were thinking of returning to Mexico the coming Monday. Will it be fine? 

Arl: Yeah. Also, me and few of my school mates are going to a party this Sunday, can we? 

Anthony: Ok, but be careful. Also you'll have your phone with you, fully charged. 

She nodded. 

Greg: Arlin, we all wanted to learn cooking. As you know, only one or two knowing cooking isn't good. Will you teach all of us? 

She agreed and all went to the kitchen. All had fun while learning cooking, and Al realised his cooking wasn't as good as he thought, though he learnt better now. After a very long time even Anthony and Vincent got to enjoy with their family. And between all this, the most important part for the brothers was that Arlin was happy. After few hours all were tired so were sitting, more like spread out here and there. 

Arl: How did you guys even manage to get all of the stuff for cooking? 

Richard: Food stuff for 2 weeks was arranged. Now that its only 1 week, we had more than enough for learning cooking. 

Arl: I don't understand how you all managed all these years without knowing how to cook. 

Al: And I don't understand how you all managed to eat the food I made without getting food poisoning, and how was I able to eat it without realising how bad it tasted. 

John: You and Greg would always be too busy talking to realise how the food tastes, so you both were saved. And these two (Anthony and Vincent) would also be in a hurry or would be discussing something so wouldn't realise.  

Richard: So its us two who had to suffer. 

All chuckled. 

Arl: I want to go to school tomorrow to meet my friend. 

Greg: You can't meet your friend somewhere other than school? 

Arl: No, he lives there only. 

All the boys looked at her in confusion. 

Arl: His name is bunny, he is a very cute rabbit. 

All except Arl: Rabbit? 

Arl: Yeah. First I thought of taking him with me but now my plans have changed, I'll let him live in the school only, maybe he finds new friends there. Anyways 7 years of his life have already completed. 

All of them smiled and agreed. Next day they went to the school at the time the last bell rings. First they went to the principal's office. They saw the principal and another lady over there. 

L: You must be Arlin I think? 

Arlin nodded. 

L: I'll soon be the principal of this school as he will be retiring. 

Greg: The oldie is finally retiring. 

He mumbled which Arlin heard and said in a low voice so only he hears it. 

Arl: Even I was thinking the same thing. 

L: So I think you are here to meet your famous friend, bunny? 

Arlin once again nodded. The new principal gave permission and Arlin took them to the garden. Soon a cute rabbit jumped on Arlin and she smiled seeing him. 

They spent time with bunny, the boys even clicked many photos of Arlin and bunny, some she knew, most she didn't

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They spent time with bunny, the boys even clicked many photos of Arlin and bunny, some she knew, most she didn't. Even they got photos clicked with bunny on Arlin insisting. After sometime they had to return home, much to Arlin's reluctance. 


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