Shopping (Chapter 9)

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We reached the mall and I saw people around us staring. My brothers ignored the girls drooling on them and giving glares to boys staring at me making them look away. I returned their favour by glaring at the girls. It didn't bother me that girls are starting at them, after all they are handsome, so it's nothing shocking. It's not like the girls are gonna do something, but doesn't feel good seeing them stare at my brothers with those looks. 

Al: Where are we going first?

Greg: Let's go to buy clothes first.

Al: Ok.

We went and started shopping. I chose few clothes, after that they started choosing for me and they have really good choices. After shopping many clothes, we went to pay. And as expected, we had a fight on who is gonna pay. In the end they paid in return promising that I am paying for other things except food which they are paying. We went to get shoes and then school supplies next. After that I had to get some inner wears so I sent them to the food court which took a lot of argument since they didn't want to leave me alone. Once they went I quickly finished my shopping and went to the food court. They both were simply talking to each other and had clearly not ordered anything. I sat with them.

Arlin: You both didn't order anything?

Greg: We were waiting for you.

We got our food and sat on the table again.

Al: Arlin, what was your first thought when you saw Richard and Anthony?

Arlin: Seeing Richard I felt the safe and comfortable vibe, maybe like how a child feels around their parent.

Al: Ya, Richard has always been a parent figure to us. Anyways what about Anthony?

Arlin: When I saw him for the first time after standing the first thought I had was how tall he is.

They both chocked on their food suddenly. 

Arlin: What happened to you both suddenly?

They looked at each other and turned to me shaking their heads saying nothing. I just shrugged it off. We continued talking about random topics. But my mind would continuously wander back to the fight the twins were having. Where does John want to go? Why is Richard against it, unless he is planning on going forever? Why do they hate it when people call them twins, because their argument clearly shows that they don't hate each other. 

Greg: Arlin , all good?

Arlin: Yes. 

Greg: What were you thinking about?

Arlin: About the twins. 

Greg: What about them?

That's when I remembered that they don't know about the fight, and the twins wouldn't want them to know either. 

Arlin: It's just that they act a bit weirdly, is it since always or since I have come here?

Al: About that they have been acting weirdly since really long. But to be exact since around 4 years. It started few days before our father died. He had cancer which wasn't treatable, so we knew that he was going to die. So I guess its father's death which they are taking time getting over. 

Arlin: Oh.

But I knew that it wasn't the only reason. I would have believed it if I hadn't heard their argument. Even my brothers don't know about it. Anyways after eating our food we left for home. In the car they kept arguing about which song to play and dragged me in it by asking which one of those I want to listen. But I liked neither so they started arguing about how I could not like such good songs. The argument was baseless and light hearted so even I joined instead of boring myself by just sitting. We finally reached home with none of the songs playing on the radio and we agreeing to both being good in their own way. I know its stupid but its not like we had anything else to do. We went inside to see the twins watching t.v. They were sitting next to each other and laughing like they never had an argument, making me think how many times have they would have hid things from the brothers. 

Al/Greg: Hey twins. 

Richard/John: Call us twins one more time and we'll kill you. 

Al/Greg: No you won't, TWINS. 

Both of them got so angry that they started throwing things at the younger ones. John picked a vase and was about to throw when I screamed.


That's when everyone realised that he had picked a vase. He kept it down and glared at me before going to his room. Looks like he doesn't like me much since the day I came here. 

Richard(glaring the other 2): Go to your rooms. Now. 

They silently left. He sat down on the couch sighing. 


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