Chapter 5

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Zackie: Hello, Eva are you fine? Why weren't you answering the phone? Why do you always do this crazy stuff? What if something would have happened? Eva? Are you there? Why are not answering me?

Evalina: Zac Zac calm down nothing happened to me, I am fine. I wasn't answering cause I was down where I had jumped where I had unexpectedly met someone and was talking to them. And you know that no one can stop me from doing these crazy stuff so why do you try? And when you expect someone to answer the questions you ask, you should give them a chance also.

Zac: Ok sorry. Um I'll talk to you later, Ric is here.

Eva: Ok, bye.

Zac: Bye.

Call ended.

I then went downstairs knowing that by now Anthony would have said everyone what I did. I saw all of them were sitting on the sofas and looked at me as soon as I reached them. Anthony was still in the suit he was wearing earlier.

Greg: Arlin, did you really jump from the balcony? Was it fun?

Others glared at him while I shook my head. I signed to them saying that I just fell from there. Well they would believe it as the way I jumped it would look like I fell but I can balance myself when almost touching the though Anthony caught me before I could which kind of worked in my favour as anyone who would see me balancing myself like that would understand that I am trained which would lead to many questions.

Richard: She is saying that she had fallen down, not jumped.

Anthony: I could see that you had fallen down god knows how but why were you talking so rudely and what about your talking problem? I heard you can't talk properly from your school.

I signed him saying that I thought he was some dangerous stranger so I talked rudely and I have the talking problem only when I am nervous, scared or insecure about something.

Richard: She is saying that she thought Anthony is some dangerous stranger and that she is having the talking problem only when she is nervous, scared or insecure about something.

Vincent chuckled at the first part leading to Anthony hit him playfully while all the 6 nodded after Richard finished saying. Just then a maid came there and said that the food is ready and Greg and Richard ran to the dining room while others shook their heads and followed them. Looks like these two are the ones who love food. I also went there and we all settled down. The boys had their own seats which left 3 seats out of which I took one. The food was served and then I remembered that I didn't say them that I eat veg food only but I guess that's no more a problem since they all are also vegetarian. We had our food in silence and once dinner was finished Anthony stood up.

Anthony: Arlin, I want you to meet me in my office within 10 minutes.

I just nodded my head and went to my room. Just then I remembered two things I had completely forgotten, I didn't get bunny and I didn't read the letter my foster parents had given me, they had said me to read it when I move out once I am eighteen or when they are dead if it happens before me leaving. I do miss them very much, they might not be the best parents but still I did like them and I know that they did love me though they rarely showed it. I went to Anthony's office before I forget about it to see him already there. I went inside, it was plain white yet looked good. It had a table with chairs on both the sides he was sitting on a chair while the other side of the table had 3 chairs. I sat down on one.

Anthony: Ok so I want to ask you some questions, explain the rules and discuss about the further things with you, after that you can ask or say whatever you want to.

I nodded so that he continues.


The mafia king and the mafia queenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin