Grumpy (Chapter 28)

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Eva: Hello, what do you want?

Emiliano: Hey Eva, were you sleeping? 

Eva: Yes, now say what you want or I'm ending the call and going back to sleep. 

Emiliano: Enrica, we chose the worst timing, telling her now can cause a huge blast. 

Enrica: Eva, can you meet us after 2 hours, I guess by then you would be up and your grumpy mood will be gone. 

Eva: Sure. 

Just then I heard footsteps so I hung up the call quickly and lied down, showing like I just woke up. It was Richard and John. But I was still grumpy, so Al is not the only one who gets grumpy when woken up. Though mine will go when I wash my face. 

Richard: Arlin.

Arlin: What do you want?

Richard: Nothing, we were here to check on you. 

Arlin: It's done, now go before I make you go. 

Richard: John, next time remind me to never wake Arlin up. Don't want the incident with Vincent to repeat with me. 

Arlin: Get out of my room idiots.

They both went away and I heard some laughs just outside my door.

Arl: You all better stop laughing before I cut off your tongues. 

They immediately stopped and left. Finally, annoying idiots. I slept again for fifteen minutes before I woke up with the alarm. This time I got up and ready. There was 1 hour for the meeting so I went downstairs. All my brothers were there. 

Arl: Hey guys. 

All: Hey. 

Al: Baby, I didn't know you are even more grumpy than me when you wake up, now I understand why you stabbed Vincent with a fork.

Arl: Now you know right, so please stop it. 

Al: Okay. 

Richard: I'm surprised you didn't throw me from the balcony that day. 

Arl: Stop it no now. 

Vincent: Everyone, stop teasing my princess. 

He said pulling me into a side hug. 

Anthony: Angelito, we all will be going out due to some work. We'll be leaving in half an hour, will you be ok alone? As we might be back late. We have already said the maid to make the food late for us, so she'll be cooking yours early. 

Arlin: Yeah. But Iand Francesca were planning on meeting, so I'll have food with you all only. 

Anthony: K. But be safe and don't stay out too late. 

Arlin: Ok. 

I went to my room and called Francisca. 

Frans: Hello, who is this?

Arl: U didn't even save my number yet?

Frans: I have, I was just joking. 

Arl: Ok so I have told my brothers that I am meeting you somewhere, could you please cover for me if they call? 

Frans: Sure, I will. By the way where are you going? 

Arl: To meet a friend, but my brothers won't let me go to someone's home if they don't know the person, and Cole is no less, that's why. My friend has come from Russia for some work with parents, so wants to meet me.

Frans: Ok. Bye, I have to go. 

Arl: Bye. 

I opened the door to see Al coming towards my room, thank god he didn't come earlier. 

Al: Baby, what are you doing at the door?

Arl: Nothing, I was coming out when I saw you. 

Al: Ok, I just came to tell you that we are leaving. 

Arl: Ok, bye. 

Al: Bye. 

He went down and all of them left while I went to kitchen and took some chocolates and went back to my room and got ready. I decided to leave after 10 minutes. Once I was ready I had my chocolates since I can't after wearing my mask. Then I left for the location. I reached there to see the Casso brothers there. 

Eva: Nat, even you are here today?

Nat: Yeah. 

Enrica: Ok today it's only you we have called, not the rest people. So let's settle down.  

Eva: Yeah about that, what is so important, even my assistant wasn't allowed?

Enrica: It's about Marco. He is a complete monster, and we have to kill him. 

Evalina: So even you guys found out who he is. But what do you mean by he is a monster? What has he done?

Enrica: He destroyed a girl's whole life, he raped her, twice, brutally. 

I gasped, not expecting this. Now I understand why Cole hates him so much, despite being unknown to the fact that Marco is the mafia king of Italian mafia. 

Eva: That bastard is gonna die a really painful death. He'll regret even looking at her. I hope she is okay. Do you know who is she?

Zacarias: Yeah, but we can't tell you who is she, we have to respect her privacy. 

Evalina: I understand. I had to talk to you all about something. I can't visit you all as frequently as before, my family won't let me out of house very much, they are worried it will affect my health. 

Emiliano: You never mentioned your family before, and suddenly all this, is your health fine?

Evalina: Yeah I am fine. It's just my family can be really protective sometimes. Anyways, I just wanted to say, I can't come so frequently. 

Enrica: That's completely fine. Even we are having some family problems so we also can't meet you that frequently. 

Jasiel: Enrica, Evalina, I have got information that the dark woods have got to know that Evalina is in Mexico. 


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