Morning and 1st day (Chapter 16)

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Arlin's POV: 

I again saw another dream. This time I saw the person I know well, Cole. But this time when I saw him all I saw on his face was rage and his eyes had darkened, with a hint of guilt in his rage filled eyes. I saw the time it was 4:00 am. We had school today. I remember I used to be the popular one despite my talking problems. People knew better than messing up with me. Even the teachers stopped complaining about me, knowing it was of no use. But in my last school I didn't do so, I didn't want to create problems for my foster parents. But now I don't have to worry about it, knowing that my brothers are far worse than me, so my behaviour won't cause any problems. I am good to people, but worst to the ones who think of themselves as better than everyone. But between all this I never let my grades go down, excluding the forgotten year, the year when I met Cole, the year when I had formed allies with the Mexican mafia. I got ready by 6:00 taking my own time knowing that I am way too early. I went down and as expected Anthony and Vincent were having their coffees.  

Anthony: Angelito, what are you doing here so early? (little angel)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Anthony: Angelito, what are you doing here so early? (little angel)

Arlin: I wasn't sleepy so got ready and came.

Vincent: At what time you woke up, you are ready also.

Arlin: At around 5:20. 

I lied knowing that if I say them the actual time, they will worry about why I was up so early. 

Anthony: Okay, the other boys will be up in few minutes and have to be down in 1 hour except Al whom we have to wake up in half an hour, or he might end up sleeping till 2pm. 

Arlin: What?

Anthony: Yeah, everyone in this house is an early riser except him, if he gets a chance , he will be sleeping the whole day. Infact once we forgot to wake him up on a Sunday and he woke up the Monday morning, when we had gone to wake him up for school. We had a doubt that he was sick since he slept for so long, but he was completely fine. We later found out he had even woken up once, but the room was dark and none of us woke him up so after sometime he again went to sleep thinking its night time only. 

All three of us laughed at this. 

Arlin: I guess I'll go and make breakfast and coffee for others. 

Vincent: Oh yeah about that, we are surprised you convinced Al, he loves cooking a lot, but it's not good for us. 

I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for everyone. It took me around 30 minutes considering  the number of people. I was almost done when I heard a voice making me jump since it was unexpected after a 30 minutes of silence. 

John: Good morning Arlin. 

Arlin: Good morning. 

John: Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. 

Arlin: It's fine. Here, your coffee. 

John: Thanks. 

We both were drinking our coffees when Anthony and Vincent came and John's smile faded off making me sigh. 

Anthony/Vincent: Good morning John. 

John gave a barely noticable smile but it was seen by the other two as he wished them back.

Arlin: Is Al up?

Vincent: Yeah.   

We were all standing there in silence seeing we had nothing much to talk about, letting our thoughts wander when Greg and Richard came, Greg making sure his presence is knowing by screaming a big and over-excited hello which made all four of us jump at the same time as Richard covered his ears. 

All4: What the fuck Greg. Why are you screaming?

Richard: Guys, even one person can say that. 

Greg just smiled at us. I passed Greg and Richard their coffees as we waited for Al to come. All of us like having our coffees before breakfast, even John has grown habituated to this, though he won't mind drinking it after breakfast which none of us like doing. Once Al came with a sulking face which he has every morning till the time he drinks his coffee, we all took the food and plates to dining room while he finished his coffee and had breakfast together. We were done with our breakfast so we went to the cars after bidding the two eldest ones bye. 

Richard: I and Al are going in my car, John and Arlin are going in John's car and Greg is going on his bike. 

All except Richard: Ok. 

We all drove to school. All the way I and John were talking about random things. We have bonded well and he feels more free without the brothers except Richard, though he has started warming up to them a bit. Once we reached school we all went inside together. 

Greg: Arlin, I'll be taking you to the office so you can take your schedule and then I'll tell you the way to your first class if we don't have it together and rest classes either one of us will guide you if we meet you or you'll have to find it by asking someone else. 

Arlin: K. 

We both reached the office to see a woman sitting. She looked up and stared at me for a moment before typing something in her computer and looking back to us. She looked in her 40s and had a good dressing sense. It looked like she did her job seriously, but at the same time she was cheerful. 

Lady: Good morning Arlin Parker and Greg Ruggerio. 


The mafia king and the mafia queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें