Valeria (Chapter 33)

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Al: I'm not taking too much stuff, the stuff won't fit inside. 

I opened his bags to see his way of keeping clothes is worse than Greg also. 

Arl: We'll have to pack bags again, this time keeping the clothes properly. 

Al: But I am tired baby. 

Arl: You can keep your whole room organised but can't pack your clothes also? We are packing it now. We have to leave early tomorrow morning, and I don't want you doing last minute packing. 

Al: Okay. 

We took out all things out before keeping them properly, and it was clear he didn't know how to, so I taught him how to keep them. Only John is like me, Richard knows how to pack, but leaves his things wherever he uses them instead of keeping them in place like Greg, but I don't know about the elder two. 

Arl: Sandro, did Anthony and Vincent finish their packing? 

Al: No. Either they'll come and do it, or we all will do it, they don't want the servants going around their rooms. Usually we do it, knowing they are tired when returning. 

Arl: Okay. Shall I help you all? 

Al: No, we four will be fine. Now I and Greg also know how to pack properly. 

Arl: K. Here, your suitcase is done, and if you want you can rearrange your bag, it won't feel heavy to pick then. 

He nodded and I went out to see John and Richard also exiting the rooms. 

Richard: I am done with the packing. 

Arl: Al will be done in ten minutes. 

John: Greg will be done in around fifteen-twenty minutes. 

We went downstairs. After fifteen minutes, Al and Greg also came and the four of them went to pack Anthony and Vincent's bags. I was just checking my mails. After that, I went to my instagram to see two friend requests. It was Frans and Rosa. I accepted both and send them my friend requests which they also accepted. I typed Viktor but no such account existed. Then I remembered that there is a school account of all the students. I went to the one of Al's year and saw all the accounts, but none of them were Viktor's, maybe he doesn't use instagram. I was simply going through the posts which were full of gossips about the students, one consisted of Viktor. It was really old one, like around start of the previous year. It was of him and some other girl I have never seen. I opened the posts, and there were multiple. Going through them, I realised it's his sister. Many comments said she has disappeared suddenly, she looks like she was famous in a good way, though not some cheerleader. But Viktor doesn't look as famous as her. As I scrolled further, I was shocked by them. It said that she has died, but what shocked me is the ways people said of her death- she suicided, she was killed by a boy and a girl, she was killed by her boyfriend and lastly... she was killed by her own brother. I couldn't understand anything, Al had said me that he had seen the love for his sister and depression of loosing her in his eyes. We weren't sure about it as we didn't know if he has a sister, but now I know it was true. What happened to his sister, why is he so closed off now? Valeria, his sister, was famous, meaning even he was, though maybe not as much as her, then why he has no friends or social media? I did see few comments of Viktor in between saying he didn't kill his sister, or his sister's death is not a topic they should be discussing. But when I try tapping on his account, it shows that the account no longer exists. I opened Valeria's account, her last post was of four years back, two months before she died. She had posted many pictures of herself, with students of her school, a boy I assume her boyfriend and mainly Viktor. When I saw his eyes in the photo, they were full of life and happiness. But now, his eyes look lifeless, and full of sadness. What happened to Valeria in the last two months? Before there was a picture of her and Viktor from three weeks before her death, the only picture of that week, but they weren't looking close, like they were trying to be as far as possible without anyone seeing the photo realising, their eyes emotionless and lifeless. It looked like she had put it under pressure of people commenting her, asking for pictures with her brother. I closed my phone and I put my head on the arm rest, laying down. There was something hidden from everyone about him. And what about his parents, there were pictures of their parents, but Viktor was barely in any of them, and if he was there, his parents had a fake smile. And didn't Viktor get his parents' support, or he wouldn't have been as depressed. All these thoughts were running in my head when I felt someone hold my arm.


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