Father (Chapter 26)

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Vincent: What do you want to say?

I took a deep breath before finally revealing the secret. 

Cole: I know who is the father of Arlin's child. 

Al: Who?

Cole: Marco Evans...


Cole: Yeah, he is my twin brother, but how do you all know him?

They all exchanged glances making me confused. 

Al: We'll talk about it later. But how can your brother be the father? And why doesn't she know it?

Cole: Marco is a monster. Arlin had always seen him as her brother, and even he saw her as his sister, or that is what we thought. I had no idea my own brother would turn out to be a monster. We had shifted from Italy, our birth place, to Russia a few months before we met Arlin, more like he met Arlin. He had introduced me to her later. She always used to treat us like her younger brothers despite us being one year older than her, because she always wanted younger brothers. One day when I had come home from school Arlin had come running out of our house. We both were always in separate schools, and that day Marco had gone for his football training. What shocked me was she was trembling badly and was covered in blood in different spots. I went to her to ask what had happened but she flinched away from me and kept saying "please don't, leave me". After sometime she fainted and I picked her to take her to hospital when Marco came outside the house. I rushed to him with her still in my arms, asking him what happened to her, not able to notice the lust he had in his eyes as he stared at her, in my arms. When he didn't answer, I rushed to hospital. After the treatment when she was fine, they said me she was raped. I couldn't believe it. And when I met her, she refused to recognize me. That's when the doctor said due to a huge trauma she lost the memory of that whole period of one year and the people in it. We both started a new friendship, me still being unaware to the fact that Marco had raped her. But I never let them meet, something felt wrong, but I did say her I have a twin, Marco. 

I stopped there, looking at the brothers as they looked at me. I expected them to be angry at me, but they had confusion, anger towards Marco and guilt. Guilt of not being there with her, though they didn't know that they even have a sister. And shockingly, it didn't look like they held me responsible for everything. 

John: But how is she pregnant now? 

Cole: The story doesn't end here. That bastard didn't get satisfaction even after putting her through so much trauma, just after she witnessed her foster father, her dad die in front of her. 1 week before she came here, he met her as me, knowing that she doesn't know about us having same appearance, the only difference being eye color, which he covered using contacts. He took her to a cafe which is used as a club from inside every Sunday, on a Sunday. She had taken a lemonade, but he got it spiked, so she won't remember the night and raped her. Luckily she had texted me saying she is lost, and is in a room upstairs. I tracked her location and reached there soon, but was late, he had already done it. But seeing them naked and her unconscious was enough for me to understand what he had done, this time he didn't beat her so she wasn't filled in blood. We both got into a fight, where he confessed he had not only raped and beaten her the other day, but had also triggered her. She had still not come to face the fact that her dad was dead, but he made her face it in the worst way, increasing her trauma to the level she forgot her dad and the time she spent there as well. That year is just a blank for her now. I am so sorry I couldn't save her from him. 

I didn't say them what had happened with her in her dad's home, cause it wasn't my place to tell, the deepest secret of her life. I already told them enough. I looked at them as their eyes were filled with tears, though they didn't let it flow. Like brother, like sister. 

Richard: I'll fucking kill him. How dare he hurt my sister? 

John kept a hand on his shoulder while saying something in a low voice, making him calm down a bit. Al was in the worst condition. His eyes had turned red. He needed to calm down, which only Arlin can do. His anger is the worst, he rarely gets this angry. Luckily Vincent and Greg kept their calm, John had dragged Richard away before he completed what he said. 

Cole: Greg, Vincent we have to calm Alessandro down, if he bursts it won't be good. Only Arlin can calm him but she is not in the state to do. 

Viktor: I can do. 

We turned to see Viktor standing there. I guess he heard Richard shout so came here, because his expression said he didn't hear Arlin's past. He went to Alessandro and stood in front of him, making him look into his eyes. 

Viktor: Alessandro, your sister needs you, you have to let it out but slowly so you won't burst on her, scaring her to death. 

Surprisingly Al was calming down, as he breathed in rhythm with Viktor, his eyes held pain which wasn't only for Arlin. It looked like Viktor was saying something through his eyes, which Al understood. Tears fell down from his eyes, which is surprising, he never lets them fall, at least not in front of a stranger. And with that he cried standing there. After few minutes, he was completely calm. 


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