Live (Chapter 23)

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Cole stayed silent, confusing me. His eyes mainly showed guilt, regret and anger. But I could see he was not angry on me or someone else, but himself. The bell rang indicating we have to go to third period. We picked our bags, when I looked at Cole, he was smiling at me, but his eyes, they were emotionless. The thousand emotions had disappeared. To anyone he would look happy, but I know him well, can easily see past his smile, which he knows. Then why is he trying? I was brought back to my senses when someone shook me, it was Frans. 

Frans: You are staring at him since so long, I am trying to call you but you were not responding. 

I just smiled and put my arm around her shoulder. 

Arl: Sorry, now let's go. Evans, which class are you having? 

Cole: I have a different class, I'll go now. Bye. 

He went from there. 

Frans: What happened to him?

Arl: No idea. Come let's go. 

For once I pushed the thoughts of Cole and Marco to the back of my mind. We both went and sat. We were simply talking, and Greg was once again sitting behind me, with his friend. 

Frans: Arlin, who is the guy sitting beside Greg?

She whispered to me. 

Arl: He is a friend of Greg, why?

Frans: He is staring at you. 

Arl: He always does that. He thinks I am dating Greg. 

Frans started laughing to this. In between her laughs she managed to say. 

Frans: You, and Greg's girlfriend. 

Arl: Stop laughing yaar. 

Frans: Sorry sorry, doesn't he know you are his sister? 

Arl: Of course no. People have a problem that I am single. Yesterday during break, I was sitting with my brothers, including Cole, this boy and three other friends. One was like I am dating Alessandro, my twin, one was saying I am Richard's girlfriend, my another brother and one said I am Cole's girlfriend. 

Frans: OMG, people are crazy. They are assuming two people are dating just because they are close. 

Before I could say anything, the teacher entered. Frans was now concentrating on the class. I turned to Greg, it was like he was waiting for me to turn. 

Arl: Hey.

Greg: Hey sissy. 

Arl: Don't call me sissy, sounds strange. At least say sis. 

Greg: Lini is only fine, I simply said sissy. Who is your new friend?

Arl: She is Francisca, I call her Frans. 

We were simply talking, when he said Anthony is taking me for a regular checkup today. 

Arl: Ok. Is there anyway to escape it?

Greg: No, and even if there was one, I wouldn't tell you. 

Arl: Ugh fine. 

The day went by. I wasn't reluctant for the checkup, I just wanted to give the news at the earliest, looks like I'll have to just call Enrica to inform him. I have no idea if Marco knows our real identity, and I can't tell them the whole truth, I don't want to bring Cole into this. We were on our way to home now. Soon we reached and I went to my room in a hurry, knowing the danger is unknown to them is making me restless. I called Enrica and said in my deep voice. 

Evalina: Hello, Enrica?

Enrica: Yes, everything fine?

Evalina: There is a bad news and a good news. 

Enrica: Say fast. 

Evalina: I have found Marco Evans, but he is in Mexico only. And Marco Evans is his actual name. 

Enrica: It's good that you found him, but if he is in Mexico, we have to be more alert. And right now I am with Zac so I can inform him, but please inform Virgillio so he can alert the others, I won't be able to contact them. 

Evalina: Ok. 

I hung up and quickly called Virgillio, informing him also. He hung up and went to inform others I guess. Then I went downstairs as Anthony will be coming within a hour, and I didn't have to change. I saw none of them were there, only Greg was there. 

Arl: Where are the others?

Greg: Third floor. 

Arl: You didn't go?

Greg: They asked me to stay here, so that you don't go around searching for us. Only Vincent and Anthony aren't allowed there, and now even you. 

Arl: Ok. What are you doing? I am completely bored.

Greg: Even I don't have anything to do, right now even t.v. is feeling boring. My phone is also with Richard. He had taken it to the third floor since his was switched off. 

I took my phone to see Sidneet are coming live together.

Arl: OMG, Sidneet are coming live.

Greg: What, they are coming live? 

Arl: You are also a Sidneetian?

He just nodded. I opened live, we both were sitting on the kitchen counter for no reason, not wanting to go till the sofa. As soon as the live ended Al came there. 

Al: What are you both doing here?

Greg: We were watching Sidneet's live. 

Al: What? They came live and you didn't say me. 

Greg: We forgot. Arl, all the brothers are sidneetians. 

Just then the bell rang. We both jumped off the counter and the three of us went out to see it was Anthony. 

Anthony: Angelito, shall we go?

Arl: Yes, let's go. Bye everyone. 

All: Bye. 

We sat in his car as he drove. 

Anthony: Greg told me that you fainted today, are you fine? 

Arl: Yes.


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