Cole (Chapter 17)

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Arl: Greg, isn't it supposed to be Ruggerio?

Greg: I don't know. It's Anthony who was supposed to look after all these things. 

I just shrugged letting it go for now. 

Lady: Um I guess there is some problem?

Arl: No everything's fine. And good morning to you too. 

I smiled politely at her. She handed me the schedule and we both left after me thanking her. I and Greg have 4 classes out of 6 together. But our first classes are different so he told me where mine is and went to wherever he went. I was going when someone bumped into me from behind so I couldn't see him. I turned around to see the most unexpected person. 

Arl: Ba...

I stopped remembering we are in school. 

Arl: Cole?

Cole: Parker?

Arl: How come you are in Mexico? And it's been so long since I saw you. 

Cole: My family shifted here due to my mother's work. But what are you doing here?

Before I could answer bell rang. 

Arl: Can you tell me where is the english class?

Cole: I have the same class. Let's go, you are still youngest one in your class. 

Arl: After all I am so intelligent. 

He laughed and we had reached our class. The teacher was yet to come. But all the benches were occupied, the only place where we could sit was next to someone else. I went and sat next to a random girl but forgot that Cole won't let me. He came near my bench and said to the girl. 

Cole: Excuse me, could you sit somewhere else?

He smiled extra sweetly at her. She agreed and went, if she wouldn't have, I know next Cole would have ordered her or threatened her. He sat down next to me. 

Arl: Cole, you need to stop doing that. 

He smirked at me, to show that I know he won't listen to me. 

Arl: Come on I am your elder sis right? 

 He just shrugged his shoulders. He is an year older than me but I call him baby brother and treat him like an younger brother. The period got over with us both talking half the time and concentrating when we feel like something important is going on. But we make sure we don't disturb someone else. After that I went to my second class which I didn't have with Cole, but Greg will be there. Cole walked with me to my second class and then went to his. I went and sat in an empty seat. After few minutes the teacher came and asked me to introduce myself. 

Arl: Good morning everyone, I am Arlin Parker, nice to meet you all.

With that I sat down again not wanting to speak much due to my nervousness of meeting people for the first time. The class carried on until there was a knock on the door. It was some boy. 

T: Why are you late?

Boy: When am I not?

T: Just go sit next to Arlin. 

She said pointing towards me. Ugh great, it would be better if he doesn't speak to me as he will get ignorance or a rude answer if he irritates me. As soon as he sat down I heard a voice behind me whisper something. I turned to see Greg, I didn't even know he is there. He was busy talking or whispering to the person next to me making me realize they are friends. In school he looked like he is one of the most serious person, completely opposite to the one at home. I turned in front completely bored. I already know these concepts since we had it in the previous year itself in my old school. I was busy doodling in my rough note when something touched my shoulder making me jump. I turned to see it was Greg. 

Greg: Don't you want to listen? Anthony was saying you concentrate in class and get best marks so we should learn something from you. 

Arl: I already know these concepts well.

Greg: Nerd. 

I just showed him my tongue causing him to chuckle. I felt someone staring from the time I'm talking to Greg, I turned to see it was Greg's friend. He was staring at us with an amused expression. I raised my eyebrow at him. He just shook his hand and turned to the front. I turned to Greg to see him trying to stop himself from laughing loudly. 

Arl: What happened?

Greg: He is thinking you are my girlfriend so he is amused.

I bit my lip trying to control my laughter as I looked at him to see he didn't hear anything. The class got over soon enough with me just doodling in my book or talking to Greg. We were about to leave when Greg stopped me by holding my hand making me lose my balance as I held a desk to support myself. 

Arl: What happened? 

Greg: Vincent texted me just now saying that I and John have to go home for some work. So is it fine if you ride my bike home? I know you don't have license, but you won't fall in trouble. 

Arl: Ok. 

Greg: And pls inform Richard and Al also. 

Arl: Ok. 

He rushed from there while I went outside but didn't know the way. Then I saw Greg's friend was going somewhere, luckily he had not gone far so I went to him. 

Arl: Excuse me can you tell me the way to the Chemistry class. 

Greg's friend told me the way and went away like he was in a hurry to a group of boys. I went to my class to see Cole already sitting there looking at the door with worry. He looked relieved when he saw me. 

Arl: Hey.

Cole: Where were you? Luckily the teacher is late. Are you ok?

Arl: I am fine. I was just talki... 

Before I could complete my sentence, I heard the teacher's voice. He asked me to introduce myself after sometime. 

Arl: Hey everyone, I am Arlin Parker, nice to meet you all. 

Once I sat down the lecture continued. 


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