Locked in (Chapter 12)

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Arlin: Whenever you both talk about this, I guess you end up arguing. He just needs love and support right now. We will talk to him and let him express how he feels, after that we can explain him what he is thinking is wrong, and make him understand that he has to stay.

Richard: It just gets difficult to control my emotions when I hear him say that he doesn't deserve to stay here and should go away. 

Arlin: I understand that, but this time I will be there, and we will make him stay here, don't stress too much on that, and don't bottle up your emotions from next time, it is dangerous for you and our brothers. 

Richard: Ok. It does feel better after sharing my problems and feeling like they can be solved now. 

Arlin: If you don't mind, can you say me what got you so stressed in the evening when we had returned?

Richard: I had got to know that mother is in jail for drugs and it scared me since you were staying with her for I don't know how long. Did you know about the drugs before the police arrested her?

Arlin: Promise me you won't be angry on me.

Richard: I promise, I know you wouldn't have done something really bad. 

Arlin: I had got to know about her drugs once when I saw them in her room, since that day I tried to convince her to leave it and go to a rehab for help but she wouldn't agree. One day I saw her passed out due to drugs and got really scared. I went outside to see a man in brown dress, who the seven year old me couldn't realise was police. I said him about my mother being an addict and has fainted and led him to her. He said me that she has just passed out. We waited till she woke up and he said her that she will be taken to rehab. She wouldn't agree to go to rehab so she is in jail. 

Richard: Oh. But why did you think I would get angry on you for it? You were so small yet did your best to try and save mother which was a success from your side, we can't help it if she doesn't want to go to rehab. 

Arlin: Before they took her away, she had said me that I am the worst child a mother could get, being the reason behind their parent's arrest. I know that what I did was right, but I can't stop feeling like she was true, and others will also be as angry as her when they find out that I sent my own mother to jail. 

Richard looked shocked for I don't know what reason. There was a hint of anger also in his eyes with the shock. 

Richard: Arlin, that's not true, what she said is completely wrong. In fact, we are proud of what you did, it was best for mother. 

First time today I am not feeling guilty for what I did to mother, I don't like her, yet she is my mother, the reason which made me guilty, but today Richard's words did not only make me realise that what I did was right, but also that the woman I hated but yet respected a lot just because she is my mother didn't deserve so much respect from me. My eyes got teary when I remembered all those times which made me hate her so much, and the time when she left me in a forever guilt before going to the jail, though none of it was her fault. Richard saw my tears but thought that it was still about my sending mother to jail and her words, but I was past it now. This time he didn't say anything, just side hugged me. I kept my head on his shoulder. I didn't realise when I fell asleep, I guess even he might have fallen asleep. Next morning I heard some voices screaming. I woke up and found myself snuggled into Richard's chest. I was surprised he didn't wake up by the screaming. I tried getting up but couldn't as he was hugging me in a tight grip. I screamed in his ear causing him to wake up with a jolt, making me fall on the floor. 

Arlin: Richard, you idiot, why did you throw me down?  

Richard: I didn't throw you, and it's not my fault you screamed in my ear so loudly. And where the hell are we? 

He finally realised that he is not in his room. 

Arlin: In Himalayas. Can't you see it's a balcony, well my room's balcony. And are you deaf, can't you hear screams of our brothers from inside? Wait, why the hell are they screaming like idiots?

Richard: I was also here only with you, how am I supposed to know?

I went and tried opening the balcony's door but it was locked from inside. Even Richard tried, but couldn't open it.

Richard: How are we supposed to go inside now?

I turned towards the balcony's railings and back at Richard, making him realise my intentions.


The mafia king and the mafia queenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora