Murdered (Chapter 27)

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Al: I'm sorry. 

Viktor: Don't be, it's been long time now. 

They for sure are not talking about Arlin or Al here. I let them be and turned to Greg and Vincent who were staring at Al and Viktor with open mouths like they are aliens.

Cole: Close your mouths.  

They looked at me as they did

Vincent: We should check on Anthony and Arlin. 

End of POV.

Anthony's POV: 

All of them went with Cole as I looked at Arlin. Viktor had told me what exactly she said in hospital before crying. Knowing Arlin, she won't cry in front of someone until it's her breaking point. 

Arlin: Anthony.

Anthony: Arlin, relax and speak calmly. 

Arlin: Anthony I really don't know who is the father, I don't sleep with boys. 

Anthony: We believe you Angelito. We know you don't know the father. Don't worry, we'll support you and help you through it. We don't have to tell anyone about it. Ok?

Arlin: Hmm. But what if someone finds out? 

Anthony: No one will. And I think you should get up, unless you want to break my bones. 

She realised she was still fallen on me and got up. Even I got up and sat on the couch. I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead, lying her on the couch with her head in my lap when I noticed how sleepy she looked. I was caressing her hair and fell asleep myself. I was woken up by Cole, Greg and Vincent. I made Arlin lay properly on the couch before turning to them. 

Anthony: Where are the others and did Viktor return to his home?

Vincent: Richard and John are in Richard's room, Viktor and Al are in the dining room. 

Just then Al and Viktor came out. Looking at the redness in Al's eyes I knew something was entirely wrong.

Anthony: Why are Al's eyes red and who was able to calm him down?

Vincent: Viktor calmed him down and everything is wrong. Come with me I'll tell you everything, can't risk Arlin listening. 

We went to the dining room and he said me everything. Of course Al was so angry, I am sure Richard would have got angry, due to which John might have dragged him upstairs. And Marco Evans, before you were just about to be removed from your position but now you will die a really painful death. You'll regret looking at my sister also. From Vincent's face, he knew what I am about to do. I'm sure Evalina would love helping me with it. Though she can't know that he hurt my sister, she will only know what he did to a girl, not even the pregnancy part. It's about Arlin's privacy also. I would be happy if Arlin herself would torture him, but I can't let her know about mafia, she already has gone through so much. Now I know the reason behind her nightmares also. We went back out to see Arlin was still sleeping and others were roaming around in the house. Suddenly Arl was breathing heavily, meaning she is having a nightmare but she was saying  something. 

Arlin: No please don't kill him, leave him. Leave him pls, you can kill me instead. DAD. 

She got up with a jerk shivering badly. I went to her and pulled her in my lap hugging her as I sat on the couch. She looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. 

Arlin: They killed him, they killed dad and I couldn't save him. WHY? WHY DID THEY KILL HIM? 

In start she was looking sad but now she looked angry. Everyone came to us hearing the screams. 

Arl: I won't leave them, they killed my dad, I'll make them regret even touching him.

Anthony: Arlin, calm down. We'll see them afterwards, right now they are not here. Calm down pls. 

I rubbed her back to calm her down, while others looked at us not knowing what to do. Viktor and Cole had left when Vincent had taken me aside to tell me everything. Cole did tell us that Arlin had seen her dad die, but he never mentioned about him being murdered. Arlin is slowly gaining back her memories, we have to do something. Even Marco Evans is near, we have to keep an eye on him. But even Cole doesn't know about his brother being mafia. I was thinking all this so didn't realise Arlin had fallen asleep again. I came back to my senses when Al shook me.

Richard: I think we should make her sleep in her room itself. 

Anthony: Yeah. I'll drop her then we should talk with Eva and we can keep a meeting with her. 

With that I went and dropped her in her room and came down. 

End of POV.

Arlin's POV: 

I was woken up by phone ringing. That's when I remembered my nightmare. Someone had shot the person I see with me,  whom I call dad in dreams, sitting near the person I called mom. Two people were holding me so I couldn't save him. And after waking up I had screamed with all my brothers around. My phone rang again, I saw it was Emiliano, the youngest one. I picked the phone my voice deep, yet anyone could make out from my voice that I was sleeping. 


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