Marco Evans (Chapter 19)

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I reached the meeting on time with my whole face covered, only my eyes are visible. Taking off my mask is really difficult, I myself take 5 minutes to remove it, which I don't mind as long as my identity is hidden. Others are also wearing similar masks. Getting out of the house was easy as all my brothers had gone somewhere except John. It was easy to convince him to let me go, Richard would never let me go, not alone. The meeting started. As usual Nataniel didn't come. 

Enrica: So I have kept this sudden meeting due to a big issue. As you all know, recently Italian mafia had a new leader, though we have never seen him. 

Evalina: So the problem here is that Marco Evans, the new leader is not agreeing to the peace between the Italian mafia and the Russian mafia and the Mexican mafia. 

Jasiel: How can he do that? The Italian mafia is the oldest friend, our allies also started when father had taken over, and the leader before Evalina had taken over. 

Enrica: Even the people of the Italian mafia are against it, and have asked our help to remove Marco Evans from his post, but he is really smart and powerful, so it won't be easy. And the shocking thing is that his target is the Russian mafia, but us being allies brings us also as his enemy. 

Evalina: We will have find more information on him, which won't be easy, unfortunately he is more powerful than us in this, we might never be able to find him, but there is a chance of him knowing our identities. And according to the rules we can't reveal our identities, even to each other. So we have to make sure he doesn't know our identities, that is if he didn't do it already.

Virgillio: There has to be a way to find him, if not by our mafia sources then personally. As common people also, there is a chance of us knowing him or his close ones. Sometimes our enemy is closer than we expect. 

Evalina: We'll try our best. 

The meeting continued for some time, with discussion on other important topics. After the meeting ended, I went to a secluded forest area, can't go home with the mask on. After checking no one is there and removing my mask and the jumpsuit I had put on top of my dress, I went home. The whole way there was a strange thought in my mind. Cole's brother's name is also Marco, I never got to know his surname, they are Italians and Cole never lets me meet Marco. To add on, whenever Marco is mentioned, which is rare, it's like something strikes Cole. Could Cole's brother be the Italian mafia king? I reached home and went inside to find none of my brothers had come yet. Looks like Cole has to give me some answers tomorrow. I hope it's not as I think, because I do know Cole can't be a part of this, even I am mafia, it's not easy to find that out. Also, even if he isn't his brother might be. I was going to my room, lost in my thoughts, not noticing that John is calling me. Suddenly something fell on me. I saw John had thrown a pillow from the couch on me. 

John: I am calling you from so long. 

Arl: Sorry, I didn't hear. What were you saying ?

John: Richard called me saying that we should order food today. So I was asking what should I order. 

Thank god they are ordering, with so many thoughts in my head and tiredness it would have been difficult to make food. 

Arl: Anything is fine for me. 

John: We have to order before they come. And I can't think of one thing. 

Arl: How about lasanga and tacos?

John: Yeah, I'll order that. U know all your brothers love tacos and I love lasanga. 

Arl: Oh, well I also love lasanga. 

John: Finally someone from your family is not obsessed with tacos. 

Arl: Who said I'm not, it's just that I have a bigger one on lasanga. 

John: Even Alessandro says that he has an obsession on lasanga, but a bigger one on tacos. 

We continued chatting when the bell rang. It was my brothers. As soon as I closed the door, the bell again rang, this time it was the food delivery. I took the food as John gave the money. Today we all sat on or near the couch instead of the dining table. Al, Greg and Vincent were sitting on the couch, me in front of it while Richard and Anthony on either of my sides. We were having the dinner while watching a movie and talking, in short just having fun. It took my mind off the meeting today and the things I have to ask Cole. We fell asleep there only, I and Richard had already picked up the boxes and plates. 

 I and Cole were driving to some place I don't know, he said that it is a surprise. 

Arl: Cole, pls tell no.

Cole: We have reached. 

We got out of the car to see a cafe. 

Cole: You love dance and music, and we were planning on having dinner outside so I brought you here. 

Arl: Omg, thank to so much baby bro. 

He scowled but smiled again.

Cole: Let's go inside. 

We went inside but what shocked me was that it was a club from inside. 

Arl: Cole, what is this? 


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