Prank (Chapter 42)

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After talking for sometime with Cole, she cut the call, and was very happy since she found out that Cole has a crush on Fransisca. At around 5 Arlin left to meet Zavid. She reached and sat in front of him, eyeing the other person who had brought him to go. He nodded and went away. She noticed how weak he looked, completely changed from the person she had seen in dreams. She took a deep breath, before calling him, feeling a strange feeling as she said the word. 

Arlin: D..Dad. 

Zavid: Arlin? 

He asked as soon as he looked up and she nodded, her eyes tearing up for some unknown reason hearing his voice. She was pulled into a hug the next second, it felt warm and safe. She had forgotten him, but feelings never changed. She hugged him back tightly. After sometime they pulled away and she said him that she doesn't remember him and had seen him and her mom in dreams. He was sad that she doesn't remember him, confused that if she didn't have memory loss then how did she forget and happy that he got back his daughter. 

Arl: Also, I wanted to make you meet you someone. 

Zavid: Who? 

Arl: Not one but 6 people, in evening I'll make you meet them here only. And I'll send you the location of where you can be living. You can say if you need anything. 

Zavid: Ok. 

She hugged him and then he left while Arlin wore her mask. Soon she saw the Casso brothers come. They greeted each other and sat down, soon joined by the leader of Dark Woods. After greeting each other they directly came to the topic. 

DWL: I don't have any problems with any of your mafias, but the King of Italian mafia, Marco Evans, has been threatening me. He wanted me to keep you all distracted , or he would destroy my mafia gang, which I can't let him do. So I agreed with him. But if I continued this further, I would have gone in loss. I decided to tell you all the truth. Marco doesn't know this. 

Eva: He must be keeping a track on you. 

DWL: Yeah, he is. But I know today he is not keeping much track of what I am doing. So I fooled the few people. 

Enrica: What do you expect now? 

DWL: Using the strength of my gang, I will find out the motive and plans of Marco, and I know no one can have power as strong as mine. In return you all will provide protection for my gang, they shouldn't be harmed by the Italian mafia. 

Zac: Okay, if we accept this, how do we know that you are not lying? You could be doing this just because Marco said you to, and to keep an eye on us. Because we know you'll do anything to save your gang. 

DWL: I never move from my word. Also, I knew this question might arise, so here is the deal. If I am backstabbing you all, or have any loyalty towards Marco Evans, then you can destroy my gang completely and the allies of mine will be under the control of your gangs. All of them have signed it. 

They looked at each other, sure that he isn't lying and agreed. They signed both the deals, and took copies of them. Then all left from there. At home. Arlin who reached home a bit later than the brothers was welcomed by a loud sound of balloon bursting. She stopped looking around confused, and before she could react, a bucket of water fell on her, and she heard some voices laughing. She turned to see her brothers. They stop after sometime. 

Arl: Now you all are gone. 

And with that she started chasing them around. Suddenly she was picked up by waist. She tried getting out of the grip but couldn't and stopped. She was soon on the ground. 

Anthony: Ok now stop all this. Angelito change and come if you don't want to catch cold now. And you all, better be careful before making a pregnant girl angry, if you don't want to die. 

All nodded and Arlin went to change not before glaring at the boys once again. After sometime she came back to see Anthony and Vincent aren't there. She looked towards the other side and they both were arguing, looking very angry. They couldn't hear anything due to the distance. 

Arl: Why are they arguing? 

Al: We don't know, they both always keep fighting on this particular topic. We never tried to know the reason as its obvious they don't want us to know. 

Arlin nodded. 

Arl: Actually I wanted you all to meet someone. 

Greg: Who is it? Your new friend? 

Arl: Not friend, but when I was younger he had adopted me, but then we got separated and I thought he died but today I met him. His name is Zavid Parker. 

The boys looked at each other, shocked she already met him but nodded anyways. That evening they all met with Zavid and liked his company. They asked if he wanted to live with them but he denied, as he wanted to start a new life for himself and promised to be in contact. They respected his decision and agreed to it. 

After 1 week: 

Arlin finally decided to face the truth of her life, find out what had happened. Only Elijah was alive now. She had gathered courage to know the truth. She reached her base and went to the room Elijah was in. He looked up hearing the door open. 

Elijah: Who are you? 

Arl: Evalina. 

Elijah: What do you want from me now? 

Arl: Just some answers. And remember one thing, every time you deny to answer me, I won't mind hurting you, but won't let you die, at least not without my answers. 

Elijah: What else can be expected from you mafias, heartless creatures. 


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