One year (Chapter 6)

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Anthony's POV:

Today I came a bit early than everyday without informing others as I was doing more work since few days so that I can come early today as Arlin is coming. I reached to meet Arlin unexpectedly in a not so good way considering that she had fallen from her balcony. Then she went inside since her phone was ringing and then Alessandro said me about her talking problem which I already knew about since I had talked to the teachers from her school. I have been searching for her since so long, thanks to her taking a dna test that I found her. I heard that she was living in a foster home and that mother is in jail. I went inside and was waiting for her knowing that she will come down once the call is finished for the talk about what happened. After sometime she came down and we got to know properly about her talking problem and then we went for dinner. One thing I found odd is that her eyes are emotionless. It is clear that she wants to hide her emotions but it's not that easy to keep emotions out of your eyes which makes me wonder what led to her hiding her emotions so perfectly. Even our brothers except me, Vincent and John can't do that, and I don't know John's reason either, actually I never tried to know more about my younger brothers' lives much due to work. After dinner I said her to meet me in my office within 10 minutes. After 2-3 minutes I went to my office. One thing good is that angelito won't be in danger as no one can find out that we are the Mexican mafia.(little angel) Then she came to my office. I said her why I called her and she nodded so that I can continue.

Anthony: Ok so about the rules, firstly you won't be dating anyone until we give you permission to date that person. Secondly, you won't be going to the third floor at all. Thirdly, when going out say us you are going out and when you will be coming back. Lastly, no physical fighting. Avoid swearing as much as possible since I know I can't stop anyone completely from doing so as you all will do it and I will scold you yet you'll repeat it so no use. Wanna ask anything?

Arlin: What is there on the third floor?

Anthony: I can't say you or let you go until your brothers allow it. In fact even I and Vincent are not allowed there so I'm not sure about everything over there.

Arlin: Ok. What about school, no rules about it?

Anthony: I don't have to worry about your grades and I already said no fighting. And we don't have problem with you befriending boys, as long as it stays to friendship. Any other questions?

Arlin: No.

Anthony: I wanted to ask you few questions also. I got to know that due to your smartness you are able to be in the class 2 years bigger than you were supposed to be, so you are in Greg's class. But you had disappeared for a whole year in between, why weren't you there in school for a whole year? You weren't seen anywhere in that whole year anywhere. Why?

Suddenly her emotionless eyes became so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if she froze something with her eyes. But her voice still sounded normal.

Arlin: At that time I was moved to an orphanage which didn't have enough budget to afford sending children to school so they were homeschooling us but it wasn't giving any benefit, then I was taken in by my foster parents so I continued school.

Anthony: Ok. So you'll be starting school the coming Monday as today is Thursday. Tomorrow you'll be going for shopping with any two brothers who want to go as I and Vincent will be at work.

Arlin: Ok.

Anthony: Ok then, you can go.

She went from there but I am still thinking about why she skipped school for one year, of course she was lying about the orphanage. She hid it well but I am also her brother and the mafia king, she can't lie so easily to me. With that I went to my room as today I could rest, as there was not much work pressure today.

Arlin's POV:

I went to my room after talking with him. I know he didn't believe my lie about orphanage but luckily said nothing. I can't help but remember that year just before my foster parents took me in. It was the worst and best phase of my life. Worst because I don't remember anything about it  and best because that's when I became the mafia queen. The year is like it never existed. I don't remember anything from then. The only thing I know is that I lived with a couple who had disappeared suddenly.


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