Kai didn't understand what Jennie said at first but when she saw Jennie caressing her baby bump, he gasped in surprise like he never expected that Jennie would be pregnant.

"You're pregnant? How?" Kai asked the moment he got over the shock.

"What do you mean how? You should know, Kai! You were the last guy I remember being with me that night. You were the one who brought me to one of the rooms in Jackson's house! And don't you dare lie to me anymore. I know you drugged me and Lisa." Jennie's voice started to raise. She's started to get annoyed at Kai for acting like he don't know a thing.

"Fine, I admit I put aphrodisiac on both Lisa and your drinks but I never got to touch any of you! I was just about to do the deed when Lisa came and beat the hell out of me. I don't even know how I got out of Jackson's place alive." Kai said but Jennie is still hesitating whether she'll believe him. How can Lisa beat him anyway? She have never even seen Lisa hurt anyone.

"No, Lisa can't hurt you to that point." Jennie mumbled but she's starting to contemplate. She don't fully know Lisa yet. The latter just spilled some things about her which Jennie never knew for five years. What if she's still hiding so much more? Lisa is really a mysterious person which is making her more confused.

"That's what you thought. And you wanna know what's worse, Jennie?" Now, he doesn't only look frustrated but mad too.

"What?" Jennie asked raising her brow.

"She came to my house that very next day and beat the shit out of me again and told me to never let myself be seen by her and you ever again or else she'll ruin my dad's name. So, that's how my family disappeared. I fucking swear Jennie, I didn't even expect that you'd be pregnant. Damn, you even probably thought that it's mine but no! There's no freaking way it's mine. Even if we do DNA test, I can guarantee that it'll be zero percent paternity." Kai stated which made her surprise. Lisa told her something different. She said he ran away.

"No, she didn't do that. S-she looked for you that day to ask you about what happened but she didn't find you. She said that you ran away from what you did to me." Jennie said trying to defend Lisa but deep inside she's also starting to doubt Lisa because Kai's testament makes sense too. Now, she don't know which person she'll believe. And it's making her head hurt.

"Is that what she told you? What a liar. I swear the only thing I did to you was to drug you and take you to that room. I don't have any idea who did the rest. The last person I know who was with you tho was Lisa. Man, if she just have a dick I would definitely think it's her." He said and chuckled, finding the idea too imposible and funny. Little did he know, it could be a big possibility.

If it was hilarious for him, to Jennie it was definitely not because Lisa literally have what he just mentioned. Her heart started to beat erratically as negative thoughts came to her mind. What if Lisa really raped her? No, that can't be. Lisa won't do that. That girl love her so much.

"Wait a minute? Are you really considering it? You mean, s-she has it? Damn that woman! So, she made it look like I was the culprit. What a fucking smart asshole!" Kai said in gritted teeth. He felt like he was fooled.

Well, he was really fooled and set up to look like he did something which he actually failed to do. He deserves more than that tho for drugging girls and having sex with them nonconsensually. He just failed one time and he failed big time. He just realized that he messed with the wrong person. Lisa seemed to be a very influential person, it's just not obvious.

"No, no, no, Lisa won't do that. L-lisa isn't like that." Jennie said and tears started to form in the brink of her eyes.

"But you were both drugged, nothing's impossible. Let me clear things, alright? I-I just drugged you, I didn't rape you or whatsoever so I'm out of it. Now, let me go." Kai said arrogantly and tried to shove Jennie out if his way but Jennie grabbed his wrist and hit him multiple times while crying.

"You asshole! You fucking asshole! It's all your fault. If you didn't mess with our drinks then none of this would happen! You ruined my life, you ruined everything! But one thing I'm thankful of is that it wasn't you! Just imagining that it was you I spent the night with, disgust me to the point that I want to throw up. Now tell me, how many girls have drugged? How many of them have you raped? You disgusting jerk!" Jennie exclaimed while still hitting and slapping Kai with all her might.

"Let me go, Jennie! It's none of your business." He said nonchalantly.

"I'll sue you!"

"For what? For putting viagra in your drinks? Whatever."

"I'll sue you for attempted rape!"

"If that's the case, then you should sue Lisa too. It's not just an attempted rape though but it's definitely rape for her. If I go to jail, then I'll take Lisa with me." He grinned.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Why? You still can't believe your so called bestfriend took advantage of you? Wake up Jennie, were living in a world full of predators. You were just one of those preys because you're too weak. You easily trust people. Now look what it brought you, a baby!" He said and chuckled obnoxiously.

"No, no, no, shut up. Lisa didn't rape me. Lisa didn't do it. She can't!" She as she slowly fell on her knees.

She feels so weak. She don't know what to believe anymore. Was everything just a lie?

"Sayonara! And if Lisa come at my family again this time, I don't care anymore. It was you who came to me, not the otherwise." Kai said and left like nothing happened.

Jennie on the other hand broke down tears. She still can't process everything that Kai said. Was he really telling the truth? Was it Lisa all along?

"Jennie? Are you alright?" The cashier asked and helped her get up. She wiped her tears and pulled herself together.

"I-I'm okay. I'm just confused." She answered.

The cashier grabbed the things Jennie picked earlier which was already packed and handed it to.

"Here, Jennie. The total amount is in the receipt." She said and Jennie fished her wallet and paid for the things she bought.

"Thank you for helping me earlier and also for this." Jennie said and pointed at the paper bag she's currently holding.

"No problem. I hope you're okay though. You can come here and talk to me if you need anything by the way. I'll see if I could help." The cashier said and smiled at her sweetly which warmed her heart.

"Aww, thanks for caring. I'd sure to do so if I have to. I think I have to go now. Thanks again." Jennie said and bowed at the cashier.

"Take care." The latter said and waved at her.

As soon as Jennie left the grocery store, she kept on walking home mindlessly. She's seriously confused and she don't know how to process everything that Kai said.

"Was I dreaming about it all along? If it was what happened, she didn't rape me then. I literally threw myself at her." She murmured only for her to hear.

"But she knew everything all along. Why did she fucking keep it from me again? The fuck she still keeping from me!?" She exclaimed and begun to cry again while still on her way home.

As soon as she got home, she just picked the ice cream and put it on the fridge while the rest, she just left them in the table. Then she locked herself in her room as she cried and cried until she fell asleep.

Poor Jennie, she feels like everything is just a lie. She feels like there are still a lot things about her own life that she doesn't know. First, she found out that her father was still alive and kicking not dead like her mother's statement. Then on the exact same day, she found out that Lisa could possibly be the person who got her pregnant. Her mom and Lisa had a lot of explaining to do.

But for today, she feel like she don't want to talk to any of them.


I don't know how this is but whatever, I'll just probably edit.


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