Chapter 28: SCP-343

Start from the beginning

"I welcome you all to my dwelling." the man said, seemingly happy. "My, there's quite a lot of you."

"Good morning, SCP-343..." Athena greeted formally.

"Oh please, Athena. You're too formal here." the man chuckled lightly. "No numbers between us please. It's more relaxing that way."

The group was surprised to hear Athena's name come from him. The surprising part was, they never mentioned any of their names inside.

"Y-Yes, of course." Athena replied, a bit of fear in her voice.

"Who are you, sir?" Freddie asked.

"Oh, don't be alarmed, Frederick." the man said calmly. "I didn't mean to cause you all distress with my speech. I only wanted to have a conversation with you all."

The group was surprised again by the man knowing about Freddie's name.

"Anyways, to answer your question, I'm the creator of the universe." the man nonchalantly answered.

"No way." Drista spoke.

"I hardly believe that for a second." Adrian added.

"Yeah, I'm not sure about that..." Cunningham added, with Sodokin nodding in agreement.

"Nah, man. Prove it." Dustin said to the man. "I don't believe you."

"Alright then..." the man chuckled and stood up.

The man went to the north wall and the group was surprised as the man phased through the wall. A few seconds pass, and he had returned with a hamburger in his hand, then sat back down.

"Woah, that's a way of proving something, not gonna lie." Cunningham commented.

"It's just some given testimony to you all, Ariel." the man smiled. "Well, should I keep going?"

"To be fair, that's kinda weird, but that's probably some magic trick or something." Dustin answered. "I doubt you can do anything else."

"Well, I can read other people's thoughts if that's proof enough for you." the man said. "Do I have your permission?"

"Why do you want permission?" Dustin asked, a bit confused. "You know you can just do it right now."

"It would be immoral to just do this action without asking for permission, but... since you insist..."

The man sat still and stared intently at the athlete. The man was digging deep into Dustin's thoughts and mind, with the athlete a bit uncomfortable.

"Hmm, I see..."


"You and Athena are childhood friends." the man answered. "One time, you tripped and scraped your right knee on the road, then Athena took you to her house and helped with the scrape."

Dustin was surprised to hear that from the man. He remembered the event perfectly, since that was the first time that he felt that he had feelings for Athena.

"Believe me now?"

"Y-Yeah..." Dustin replied.

"Huh, interesting." Adrian responded.

"Hey, can you tell me what I'm thinking of?" Drista asked.

"Do you want me to say it out loud, Drista?" the man asked. "Do you want everyone here to know?"

With this, Drista blushed and looked away. The sight made the man chuckle lightly.

"Anyways, I suppose you want to talk to me for a bit, correct?" the man asked.

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