Chapter 45- Expelliamrus

Start from the beginning

"Regan what is it? Being tired has never made you like this." There was a slight sternness to his voice which demanded the truth. I held back for a moment before telling him
"I don't want to hurt you or anyone for that matter. Stupefy can be a strong spell, I've never done anything like it before. I don't want to perform it incase I do it wrong and cause some real damage." I avoided eye contact with him knowing he most likely scold for my reason.
"Princess I know you don't want to hurt anyone and let's hope you never have to in the real world but you know Who is back. We have to be ready and that means practicing and training. Taking a few cuts and bruises from our friends so we can all fight against them. These are cruel horrible people, they won't show you mercy." I could feel his glare burning though me but he was right.

"I know but it's not easy doing it to people you care about." I did my best to give him 'puppy eyes' and pouted my lips to try and convince him but that was never going to work.

"From now on you dual with me and only me. That way you won't feel guilty hurting anyone else. I will not go easy on you and You will not go easy on me. Got it." I shook my head and was about to protest but he placed his hand over my mouth. "What did I just say princess. Except it or I won't let you back in here." I pushed his hand away with a huff. Agreeing to his terms.

We walked over to where there was space to dual and got into position. "Can we at least I don't know... warm up?" I asked Taehyung but he sharply said "No!" Performing the Expelliarmus spell perfectly. causing my wand to fly out of my hand and into his. I yell at him that I wasn't ready. "Well now you're dead. They won't wait for you to be ready so why should I." He threw my wand back to me. I wasn't going to let my frustration get the best of me but he did say i shouldn't go easy on him.

Before he had the chance to wipe his grin off his face I lifted my wand and yelled "Stupefy!" The force of the spell knocked me back slightly but not near as far as Taehyung. The spell hit his chest so hard that he went flying backwards and hitting the wall. This is exactly what I was afraid of.

It took me a moment to realise what had happened before I ran over to Taehyung. "Oh Tae. See I told you you idiot." I helped him sit up and Checked the back of his head for serious injury. He was just grinning as I frantically looked him over, I thought he was concussed with that dazed look on his face. After he didn't speak, I cupped his face so he'd look at me. "Hello. Taehyung? Speak to me."

"I'm fine princess. Just enjoying you touching me up." His grin turned mischievous as his ran one of his hands over mine which was still cupping his face. I draw my eyebrows and snapped my hands away standing up. "Don't you try and embarrass me in front of everyone. I told you I'll get you back for it. Stop doing that you weirdo. Now get up so I can beat you again." I saw red, I have to keep to my word and get back at him for making me feel embarrassed. At least I think that's what I'm feeling.

"That's my girl. And I won't stop 'doing that' because I don't think there is anything you can do to 'embarrass' me Princess." He stood and dusted himself off. He really knew how to get under my skin.

Lindsey's POV
We would practice more and more each day and we soon came to learn that Mr Filch knew we was up to something so he would sit in the corridor waiting for us to leave hoping to catch us out but we found another way out after each lesson. Soon enough another rule was added that stated 'all students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities' meaning that we would have to submit to her awful practices and answer questions which we were obviously going to lie about. Neville was still struggling to master Expelliarmus so we all chipped in and helped him when we could, today's lesson was a simple levitating spell that allowed us to cast an object into the air. All this time we still knew Mr Filch was watching us Fred and George decided to play a prank on him by leaving him some chocolates that made these horrible looking warts grow on his face, it's so easy to trick that guy. More lesson meant more rules, the latest one to go up was about an Inquisitorial squad giving those that signed up extra credit and it meant there was now more people to be aware of when it came each lesson. It was obvious that Draco and a band of Slytherins was no doubt going to join the pink bitches army. Each day all of us getting stronger and more confident in the spells we were being taught meaning that we are one step closer to being able to defend ourselves from you know who. We had finished the lessons for today so everyone was packing up and leaving the Room of requirements carefully in hopes not to be caught, I was on my way out when I noticed a picture hung on a notice board in the room. It made my heart stop and tears form in my eyes, I walked closer to it and stared at the picture that caught my eye.

It was off Cedric, taken the day he died, I subconsciously grabbed the necklace that still hung round my neck and let the tears fall

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It was off Cedric, taken the day he died, I subconsciously grabbed the necklace that still hung round my neck and let the tears fall. I missed him so much, he should still be here, we should be happy together, he needs the justice he deserves. His smile always made me melt away inside, I loved him so much and I know he loves me too but he would also want me to be happy and to move on-maybe not with Draco but you get the idea-, I gently touched the picture before picking my things up off the floor and making my way out of the room and back towards the dorms. As I was walking back to the Gryffindor tower, I saw Draco walk round the corner onto the same corridor as I was walking down. I was hoping that we would just walk past each other but was so wrong when Draco stepped in front of me. "what's up baby, just going to walk past me without saying hi?" I looked up at him and said "hi" and went to take a step to go round him but was stopped by his arm. He lifted my chin with his fingers so I was now looking at him, "Ok, now I know something wrong. No smart-ass response not even a smile. What's wrong Lindsey" I slightly looked down and as I did, I noticed the badge on his robes "nothing is wrong, but even if there was some the matter, I couldn't tell you anyway not now that you work for her" I wiped away the tear that has fallen from my eyes before looking back up into Draco's eyes to see that they had now softened "hey, anything you tell me in confidence always stays between us, is it Cedric, are you thinking about him again, someone else upset you? What is it Baby, please tell me, I want to help?" I walked over to a little window seat and sat down, Draco following behind me, " Well you know a group of us are meeting in secret and don't think I'm about to share with you why we are meeting but we have just had a meeting and there was a notice board up in the room that has a picture of Cedric on it, it's the first time I've seen his face since he died, it brought back so many memories of him so I guess I got a little upset, I loved him Draco and he loved me but I know he'd never want me moping around, he'd want me to move on and be happy with someone else, but I guess I'm not ready to say goodbye to what we had just yet!" Draco didn't say a word just pulled me into a hug and placed a kiss on my forehead, I felt safe in his arms. It was getting near curfew so I had to say goodbye to Draco and quickly make my way to the other side of the castle so I don't get caught past curfew.


Thanks to ReegsN1234 for the POV and the picture in the middle of her POV!

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