from the dining table

Start from the beginning

"Lou stop, I don't like her" I said seriously.
He was laughing, bright eyed and said "Bullshit, everyone like her. Syd has this aura about that everyone is drawn to. It's no surprise you like her"

I wasn't sure how to take this. He wasn't wrong, Sydney had something about her that was so impossible to resist. But on the other hand, did everyone like her the way I did? Was I just another person that Syd was going to go on a few dates and bail on?

"Harry, I see the cogs in your head moving. Stop it" Mitch said, taking me out of my trance.

"What are you talking about Mitchell?" I snapped back in frustration.

He let out a breath and caught my eye, "Louis is right, people are drawn to Syd. She's just a really nice person that's why. It's not like everyone she meets she falls in love with for a couple weeks. Sydney doesn't date, so the fact she's spending time with you means you're special to her."

My anxiety settled slightly when Mitch said this but I was still worried. Before, I was in this bubble of me and Syd and now I had others weighing in telling me what she was like. I knew Syd myself and I didn't want to change the way I thought of her.

"Okay alright. Drop it both of you right now. I don't want you guys saying anything when she arrives" I sternly said.

They quickly shut up and we did our own thing for a few minutes before Louis got a text. He scrambled to his feet and left the room.

We had come over to Louis' to work on some songs and listen to what he had been working on. Louis was an amazing songwriter and always had the best advice. It was rare but great when we were in London at the same time.

Me and Mitch continued to sit and strum the guitars for a while before Louis came back, Sydney in tow.

"Hiiii guys" She said beaming as she came into the room.

My heart instantly jumped when I saw her standing there, the usual glow around her.

She was wearing wearing a very casual fit today: a white jogger set and some white trainers. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she had her phone and journal in her hand.

"Hi Sydney" I said softly.

She gave me a quick smile so the others couldn't see, but she knew I had. It was like we had our own special secrets. I smirked to myself as she sat next to me.

"How are we all tonight?" She said, clearly in a good mood.

"We're very good. Harry just wrote a new song for the album actually, it's really great" Mitch gushed, walking in Louis' kitchen to grab some food.

She gave a soft smile and said, "I can't wait to hear it. How are you guys feeling about the album? Close to finishing?"

"There's a couple gaps where I would like some more songs but nearly done" I replied.

Sydney nodded and said, "Well, I've been working on something. It's not finished but I thought I could play you guys some of it and you could decide if you want it? We could all maybe work on it together..."

As she said this, she had pulled off her trainers and was sitting crossed legged to my side. I couldn't help but smile; I loved when she did that.

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