Time passes over the next few weeks and things are getting progressively worse now that Professor Umbridge is in charge of the rules around here. The wall is slowly filling up with more stupid rules. She would walk around the school and make sure no one was breaking those rules, this now made it even harder to see Draco and meet up with him when she's stalking the halls. I haven't actually had a chance to speak to him about ending our arrangement but I promise I will soon when I can. We were currently sat in Professor Trelawney's class and of course she was in making notes and questioning everything that was taught to us. I was sat there getting rather annoyed with her as I just wanted to learn and Shes asking all these questions. She stood in front of Professor Trelawney and said "please predict something for me" without even thinking I repeated this and in her annoying voice causing those sitting round me to start giggling unfortunately I said it a bit too loud and Umbridge heard me "detention Miss Udall, in my office after dinner". I guess I'm in for another sore hand, great. Turns out the Professor Umbridge was in all my classes today and was studying all the teachers and making notes on them. It was the ned of the day and everyone was making their way back to commons rooms or the great hall for dinner when there was a commotion in the courtyard, everyone gathered round to see what was going on. When Regan and I arrived, we found Hermione and saw that there was a crying Professor Trelawney surrounded by loads of bags and of course the pink bitch standing opposite her. Will she ever stop being a bitch, I guess not? Professor Umbridge proves that she has the right to fire Professor Trelawney but no one is happy about the way she is doing it. More teachers have joined the students outside and Professor McGonagall is now comforting Trelawney just as the main doors open to reveal Professor Dumbledore looking rather annoyed at the scenes in front of him. He is such a badass headmaster as he shuts her down immediately, she will get what's coming to her eventually and hopefully soon. I didn't really have any appetite to eat my dinner because I felt for Professor Trelawney and I was about to make my way to another torture session with her. I'd arrived at her office and knocked on the door before being called in, just as I suspected there was a quill on the table with some paper next to it. I didn't even wait for her to tell me to sit down before doing so, I picked up the quill and waited to be told what I was doing. She has placed down her tea and stood up, walked to the table and said "I see you've learnt how things are done round here, you will right- I WILL NOT IMMERTATE TEACHERS- until it has sunk in." I nodded and got down to writing, it didn't take long before my left hand was burning and a lot more than last time. I was dismissed about half an hour later and found myself walking the long way back to the common room. I was rubbing my hand in hopes to stop the burning sensation, the halls were quite which allowed me to be deep in my thoughts. Those thoughts stopped when I heard a familiar voice calling my name, I look up to see no one there then turned around and saw Draco jogging in my direction. He pulled me into a hug as soon as he arrived in front of me. "Hi baby, what's got you walking round the halls at the hour?" I smiled up at him and said "I had detention with Professor Umbridge didn't I?" I didn't have to say anything else before he grabbed my left hand and studied the red etching on it. He brought my hand up to his lips and gently kissed the scar, I slightly flinched at the contact. "Bon Bon, can we find somewhere to talk please, there is a few things I want to discuss with you?" he looked at me with a concerned look "there really isn't anywhere we can go at this time of night especially with the new curfew". "I guess we can do this here but I don't think it's the best option, there must be somewhere" just as I said that a door appeared next to us that wasn't there a minute ago. We wasted no time in walking through the door to find a small cosy living room area vibe thing. I sat down on the sofa and waited for Draco to join me. "I'm not going to beat around the bush, we can't continue doing this, Regan has seen us and now knows about us so it won't be long until others find out" he placed his hand on my leg and turned towards me "so you are telling me you a prepared to give up everything we have because you fear someone might catch us?" I nodded "yes, I know It will ruin your reputation around this school if you are seen with a half- blood Gryffindor" he looked at me like I had said something unforgivable, he grabbed both my hands making me look at him. " I knew you was half-blood when I started this but it didn't stop me, it didn't stop me sneaking into the hospital or having you sneak into my home. Yes, I don't want people to know but it won't ruin my reputation, do you know how many guys want to sleep with you in this school, I'm the lucky one even if we are both using each other for sex." I shook my head "there are too many patrols and rules that won't allow us to continue this, you really think I want to give this up, hell no, but I know I don't want to get caught and potentially have this again" I showed him my hand, "the pain in unbearable Draco, it hurts so much, I don't want this and wouldn't want it for anyone, it's been fun while it has lasted but it needs to stop and now". He nodded in defeat knowing he won't win this one but perked up when he said "we are alone now and no one know where we are, how about one last time for the memories?" how could say no to that, I nodded and boy did he make it hard for me to walk away and end this, it was the best sex I've ever had and let just say I don't think I'll be keeping to my own words for very long.


The Killing Curse!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя