Chapter 42- I'm not telling lies

Start from the beginning


I found myself in the library most days actually for the simple reason that I needed to really focus this year and let's be honest the previous 4 years haven't exactly allowed me to have full attention on my studies but this year seems to be the start of the important years. I don't like being disturbed so I found this beautiful quite spot right at the back of the library that is secluded from the rest of the world. It's so peaceful and it means I can get more studying in. That soon stopped when someone sat down in the seat next to mine, I looked up from my notebook to see that it was Draco, I admit I had to do a double take but it was defiantly Draco. I laughed and he looked at me with a confused look on his face, "I never thought I'd see you in a library, why are you here?" he placed his hand on his heart and acted hurt by this comment, "now now Udall play nice" I shook my head what is this boy doing to me. "I am playing nice, you wouldn't want to see me playing dirty, now why are you here, I'm studying" he took my hand into his "come on all you do is study and you know you'll pass any exam you take so can you please focus on me" I put my pen down, turn in my seat to face him, "ok you have my full attention not that you don't always have it" he didn't respond he just grabbed my chin and pulled me into his lips and of course I melted even more into them. I think you know how this goes, not that, get your minds out of the gutter we only kissed. Soon lunch was over and it was back to classes we go. The rest of the day and evening went by uneventful as always and soon found us sitting at the breakfast table. We were chatting and eating away minding out own business when we heard some loud talking coming from the hallway and it sounded like Professor McGonagall and Professor Umbridge. I mean naturally we all stand up and go to see what's happening, I won't bore you with all the details of the chat but it was basically Professor McGonagall questioning Umbridge on her detention techniques to which she turned to us and told us that things would be changing around here and I honestly was looking forward to what changes she was making. By lunch time Professor Umbridge was walking around like she owned this school and it was pissing me off. Regan and I was walking back to the common rooms when I decided that I was going to take a walk round the grounds before going to the next class. I told her I would see her in the next class.

Regan's POV

I sighed in defeat looking up at the new addition to the wall. Umbridge is only just getting started with her rules. I already can't stand being near her, let alone sitting through her classes. After everything that happened last year, you'd think they'd want to cheer up students not put them down more.

Lindsey had gone off for some alone time and I started to make my way to the gardens for some fresh air. I'm still worried about Lindsey, she has to go off to be by herself often and when Draco was being mean to Harry she didn't say a word. Very out of character. She is not herself quiet yet. I wish there was more I could do.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a soft whistle. I looked behind me and saw Taehyung strolling down the corridor towards me. I couldn't help but smile. The cuts on his face had almost completely healed.

"Hello stranger. How are doing?" I spoke once he finally caught up to me.

"Good. Where are you headed?" His voice was a little less cheery than usual. I said I was heading to the gardens for a walk and he asked to join me. Of course, I said yes.

It was quite empty in the gardens for it being break but I wasn't complaining. We sat on a stone bench with our backs to the sun.

"So, Taehyung how are you really doing?" He turned to me a little shocked

"Am I really that transparent?" He chuckled lightly

"No, I just know you haven't been having a good time lately. Did anything else happen after the day in town?" I asked swing my feet anxious for his answer.

"Well when I got home my mother went into panic mode. She'd seen me come home before with cuts and bruises but never that bad. I said to her you helped me. You did a good job." He turned his head to show me one of the deeper cuts up close. I felt my cheeks blush a little at the proximity. "They won't scar. The rest of me wasn't too bad just bruises. I didn't do a lot after that. Just help my mum with the gardening and studied a few things I missed last year. But since being back at Hogwarts... I saw Lindsey. In the library. With a guy. Making out." Taehyung was clearly nervous about mentioning Lindsey as he bit on his bottom lip. I chocked on thin air as he spoke. I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. He patted me on the back and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, sorry just got something caught in my throat. Yeah, Lindsey is seeing someone." I lied. I had no idea who she could have been making out with in the library!

"Oh okay, I wasn't sure if you knew... Don't you think it's a bit soon?" Taehyung looked down at the ground fiddling with his hands. I had to think fast of a way to reassure him but not make it seem like I'm okay with it.

"Well people deal with death differently and what might feel too soon for you might feel like a lifetime to her. It's a tough situation." He nodded in agreement.

"I guess so. It's hard because I expect to see her with him. It just shocked me seeing her with someone else. I miss Cedric so much." I could see his eyes water slightly so I put my arm around his back and rubbed it gently.

"It will hurt for a while but Cedric would want you to carry on. You know that... Like I said before you can come to me whenever you want. No questions asked, no matter the time of day I'm here for you too." That seemed to help. He sat up and dabbed his eyes, my hand still stoking his back.

Taehyung tutted "you are so kind to people even when they're done you wrong. I can't get my head around it." I simply shrugged my shoulders

"I'm not kind to everyone. I'd actually really like to punch some people I know. I guess with our situation I was at first annoyed with you, then scared of you and now I care about you like any other of my close friends." I guess it is weird when you say it out loud but that's how my feelings have changed towards him since we first met.

"You are a strange girl. I need to head off to lessons before you confuse my head and heart anymore. I'll see you soon Princess." He grinned softly at me before heading off to lessons.

I didn't really process the last thing he said. The whole time my thoughts where on who the hell is Lindsey seeing? I have to confront her about this. She'll either just hurt herself more or some poor boy's heart. Either way this can't end good.


OOOOOHHHH Lindsey's been caught, will she tell Regan or not??

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