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Morning has come. The storm has gone. The sky looked blueish and peace with some white clouds hang around under. Birds flew around to find the food and new homes since the old ones had crashed by the storm that waved them away.  But the neighborhood seemed in a big mess. The roads were out of order with a lot of wasted things on them, even there was a big tree that blocking the way, collapsed by the huge wind last night. There were people who got down the road to clear up the mess and fix things that can be fixed.

Zhan fluttered his eyelashes, then opened his eyes, squinted to the sunlight that creeps in from the glass windows. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light. After that, he got up and let out a soft groan when he felt his neck was stiff. He rubbed his neck and turned to the side when he heard a soft snore. He found Yibo still asleep with his head on the headrest in an uncomfortable position. His mouth was ajar but doesn't lessen the charm on his feature.

"Who are you? Why am I feel so comfortable staying close to you? I feel that I have known you for a long time, but I fail to recall you and the memory we had if there is any...."

Zhan stared at the beauty in front of him for some time. He thinks that he won't be tired to keep looking at Yibo's face for a whole day. He even thinks that he wants to spend more time with the man.

Slowly, he raised his hand and moved it to Yibo's face. But he pulled back when suddenly Yibo stirred and his lashes fluttered and finally open. Yibo squinted his eyes and rubbed them by his hand. He lifted his head and squirmed when he felt the pain on the back of his neck. He rubbed and gives it a light massage to lessen the pain. He turned to Zhan who was looking away when he began to wake up.

"Oh? You woke up...!" Yibo muttered. He let out a groan and stretched out his body.

"Did you feel comfortable sleeping in such a position?"  Asked Zhan, turned back to look at Yibo.

"Uh?" Yibo was sitting in a daze. Then he glanced at the seat backrest before he turned back to Zhan. "I often did it. And get used to it....!" He says.

Zhan let out a breath from his nostrils.

"Do you want breakfast?" Asked Yibo.

Zhan looked at Yibo in disbelief.

"How can you still thinking of taking breakfast??" Cried Zhan.

"Why? Isn't it morning? People usually taking breakfast in the morning, right?" Replied Yibo, clueless.

Zhan grabbed Yibo's hand and got up, but Yibo remains sitting on the couch.

"We need to fetch up our wives!  How they are now. Don't you feel worried about your wife?" Asked Zhan.

"She'll be fine, ma? She stuck with many people in the mall. That's it. She's not driving in the storm, ma? She'll come back home soon once everything calm down...!" Said Yibo.

"I can't believe it!!" Zhan yelled.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Yibo scowled.

Zhan looked at Yibo. He wanted to say something to Yibo but he discouraged it.

"Never mind! I'll go to fetch my wife and son there!" Decided Zhan, turning around and about to walk away. But he seemed to have trouble to go, so he turned back to Yibo.

"Let me go! I want to take my family home!" Zhan snapped at Yibo.

"Go ahead. I don't stop you...!" Replied Yibo.

Zhan huffed. He turned around again and tried to walk. But still, he couldn't move. He gritted his teeth and let out the breath through his nostrils.

Swap It Out! (YiZhan) - ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now