"Let's not talk about it Chu." She said nonchalantly.

"Come on, let's just let her be. She'll get over it eventually." Seulgi said, talking to Jisoo and Tzuyu.

"Does that girl even care for her? They've been friends for what? Five years? And look, she's looking like she don't give a damn." Tzuyu said and rolled her eyes.

Tzuyu disliked Jennie ever since she found out the story behind Lisa's heartbreak which caused them to meet at the rooftop. Lisa is a nice a girl and she's not hard to love that's why Tzuyu can't understand why Jennie treats Lisa this way. She just can't understand.

"Enough, you guys don't understand." Lisa mumbled.

"Lisa, it's not hard to understand. Look, she dumped you because she like someone else, period." Jisoo said and raised a brow.

"I said enough!" Lisa said after slamming her fist into the table. The sighed and left, leaving her friends dumbfounded.

"What was that?" Seulgi asked eyeing Jisoo.

"She's still head over heels in love with that girl." Jisoo mumbled.

"I kind of miss hanging out with Jennie though. Hey, don't you miss your Chipmunk?" Seulgi said and nudge Jisoo's side, teasing the latter.

Tzuyu on the other hand, just look at them quizzically because she can't relate to what the two girls were talking about.

"Why the hell would I miss that devil? I'm happy that I don't have to be anywhere near her." Jisoo scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Uhm Jisoo, Seul, I think I'll have to go now. Our next prof always goes on time. I don't want to be late. So bye for now, see you later." Tzuyu said and stood up.

"Oh, okay. We'll see you then." Seulgi said and waved at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu finally left and the two girls just did the same. They don't have any reason to stay anyway because aside that Lisa and Tzuyu left, they're already done eating too.

While on the way back to their room, they were crossing their fingers that Lisa's not mad at them.

Jennie on the other hand saw how Lisa left earlier. She saw how the girl looked so mad. She can't help but to wonder what happened.

These past few days she's having hard time pushing the thoughts about Lisa away. How can she even do that when she's seriously craving for that girls scent? She literally want to smell Lisa again but how can she do that when she's avoiding the latter.

It's not just about that craving but the time that they're apart, she just miss Lisa more day by day. Instead of forgetting about her feelings, it just grew deeper. She fucking loves Lisa more even though she shouldn't. She don't deserve to love Lisa. They can't work especially now.

If it's just a different situation, they might but now it seems to be hard. Maybe in the next life, God will permit them.

Just thinking about Lisa, makes her want to cry.

"Uhm girls, I got to go. I got a call from JK. See you later in class." Taehyung and left.

"You okay, wifey?" Rosé asked Jennie. She probably saw how Jennie's mood suddenly dropped.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just--I fucking miss her." She admitted while suppressing her tears which are warning to fall down any second.

"Why don't you talk to her? You can stay being friends anyway. I mean just think about the years you've spent together. Are you just gonna throw all those moments and memories away?" Rosé asked, she's just concerned about the two girls friendship.

"I can't, i-if I stay with her, I might have hopes that we'd be together. And I don't want to be selfish. I can't involve her with my problems anymore. She have done enough for me. I-I don't want her to take responsibility of something she didn't do." She said and sighed.

"But what if she wants that. What if she still want you even though you're having a baby? I mean she knows it's not your fault and it definitely is not the baby's fault that he or she exists." Rosé held her hand and rubbed the back of it to soothe her.

Yes, she's pregnant. That day when Rosé came to her house to look after her, they went to an OB to confirm whether or not she's pregnant. She was praying hard that it would be negative but unfortunately, her prayers weren't answered. The OB said that time that she's pregnant for almost two weeks already. Though she already had the hunch that she's really pregnant, hearing it right from a doctor mouth still surprised her.

And she cried again for the nth time. It wasn't tears of joy, because she wasn't happy about it. She was devasted. How can she be happy knowing that her future could be ruined? Her mom is going to be so mad at her and man, she don't even know who the hell is the father of her child. Who would take responsibility for them?

If people ask how she got pregnant, what will she say? If people at their university finds out about it, she'll be doomed. They'll pick on her again for getting pregnant with a stranger's baby and of course they'll call her slut and such but this time Lisa is no longer there to protect her.

The OB left them to have their privacy. She can't stop crying that time but Rosé was there to comfort her. And you know what, she realized how much she missed Lisa. Lisa used to be the one who's always there for her to comfort and protect her. That girl was her comfort zone.

"Hey, you're stressing yourself again. Y'know it's not good for the baby." Rosé said which made her snap out of her deep thoughts.

"Rosé to be honest, I'm still not sure if I'm keeping this kid. I-I don't know what to do. I don't know how I'll raise him or her. Me and my mom are already having hard time to get through daily, having additional to the family is gonna be harder for us. I don't want this child to suffer." She said emotionally and her tears started flowing uncontrollably.

"Hey, it's your baby. Are you planning to y'know get rid of him or her? Because I won't agree with you. Jennie it's your own blood and flesh. Besides, I told you I'll help you get through this. I'll always be here for you and your baby if you both need me." Rosé said and patted Jennie's back.

"But my mom, she still don't know about this. I-I'm scared."

"Gather all your courage dear because she have to know. Just explain what happened and tell her it wasn't your fault. I know she'll be mad but you're her daughter, she'll accept it eventually. And if she'll throw you out of your house, I want you to know that you're always welcome at our home." Rosé assured her.

"Thank you hubby, I'm so grateful to have you as my friend. I hope I can repay you someday."

"You don't have to. I just care for you. You're my friend after all. By the way, do you think it's a he or a she?" Chaeyoung asked giddily.

If Jennie is so terrified about her pregnancy, Rosé was the otherwise. She's so excited for Jennie. She's so excited to see the baby though it's just two weeks. It'll be a long way to go.

"I honestly think my baby is a girl." Jennie smiled weakly.

Maybe she should really accept the fact that she's pregnant. Rosé is right, it's not the baby's fault anyway.

"I think so too."

The bell suddenly rang, indicating that their classes will start shortly. They didn't notice the time because they were so engrossed with their conversation.

"Let's go."

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