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Zytiana POV
I woke in this comfortable ass bed with this fluffy ass blanket. "Ma ma" the little girl said. I popped up quick.

"Latrestin where you at" I hear vince yell. He came grabbing her ticklin her. It was a cute to watch.

"Goodmorning you want me to take you home" he said.

I shook my head yes , got up and put my shoes on. I was searching for my phone and couldn't find it.

I ran downstairs and seen it on the table where I put it which was a big relief. I checked my phone and seen Lauryn called and texted so many time so I called her back.

"Bitch I'm on face time entertaining. Where the hell you been" she said yelling. This bitch dramatic yall.

"I was with ummm Vince and finna head home" I said.

"I'm here" then she hung up the phone. I'm get that bitch don't hang up in my face like that. "Ight let's go" he said.

I opened the door and Jordan was right there. "I'll take it from here" he said grabbing me.

"You gone be okay" vince asked me.

"Yeah thanks for letting me babysit" I said winking my eyes at him. We got to the car and soon as vince closed the door he punched me.

"Jordan I can explain" I cried holding my face.

He got in the car and drove off.
He pulled up to his house. "Why the fuck was you over there. You fucking with the oops now" he said.

How I was suppose to know they beefin. "Get that house" he said threw his teeth.

"But I want to g-OKAY" I said yelled when he punched me again. It really hurts me when he punches me cause I'm not a man.

I ran inside the house and sat on the sofa. He walked threw the door with his fist balled up.
"MMM SHUT THE FUCK UP" he yelled in my face.

He grabbed my hair dragging me in the kitchen. "Get the fuck up" he said. I got up and he hit me right in the middle of the stomach.

I dropped to the floor and threw up blood "okay okay I'm begging just stop I won't do it again" I said.

He kicked me in the stomach but this time I felt a sharp pin like somebody stabbed me "now we even" he said walking off.

I struggled and grabbed my phone out my pocket "911 what's your emergency"

"Help me it hurts p-please" I cried threw the phone.

I saw blood coming and coming out threw my shorts.

I started to panic and I passed out.
"Heyy ma'am you awake" I heard a voice said. I tired to move and the bottom half of my body felt like it was numb.

I opened my eyes and seen I was in the hospital


"Hey hey take it easy take it easy" the doctor said.

I looked to the left at the mirror and seen my face was fucked up and now I have a bussed lip and a knock on my forehead.

I started crying and that shit hurted. "Sorry man but you lose the baby" he said with no emotion and walked out.

I was pregnant ? B-but how when I took the pill but fuck all that I lost my baby 😢😭. My first baby , he killed him/her.

When I get back home I'm done with him. "How are you feeling ma'am" the nurse said.

"Sorry about your lost. How did this happen" she said. I didn't answer cause I didn't want anybody in trouble but I'm leaving his ass for this.

"Where is she" I hear Lauryn voice yelled out. She peeked around the corner.

"Oh zy what happen. Did Jordan do this" she said and I shook my head yes.

"Long as your okay" she said.

I know she finna be blown up bout this "I lost a baby" I said with my head down. She stared at me and a tear fell down her face.

She had a rough past when she was little and things like this get to her deeply.

"It's okay he gone get his and I have some bad news for you" she said.

"Your father......he's dead. Was killed and nobody knew nothing" she said.

My father 😢😭.

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