Felix Imagine 1

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Ok so I'm doing an imagine for my fave character FELIX Ferne--- look at him, just look. My feels are ruined.

Your asleep in bed, with Felix's arms around your waist. his chest pressed against your back.
"No, no Andy come home" he cries, waking you up.
Since Andy came home, Felix has been having nightmares, waking up screaming or yelling about the past.
"OSCAR NOOOOOO" he yells, his arms tightening, making it harder for you to breathe. you sit up, and hold his face in one hand and his hand in the other.
You stroke his cheek, when tear start to slip out from his eyes.
You kiss softly, holding is hand tight. he struggles, fighting with the nightmare. but soon he relaxes into the kiss, and the tears slow. You pull away from the kiss, and rest your forehead against his. his eyes are closed and his arms are tight around your waist.
"I'm sorry, Y/N" he whispers, but all you do is shush him.
Both of you fall back to sleep, but this time your holding him tight, never wanting to let go. you are his life line, the thing he clings to for protection. and when he crumbles, you crumble to.

Hey guys, we hit over 100. Thanks so much, you guys are amazing. But let's keep the votes and reads rolling in hey?
My goal is to get to 150 reads by Monday morning.


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