Andy( I don't even know what number)

645 9 5

He sat before you, drenched head to toe with water, little droplets falling from his black hair. He was so frustrated, his fingers clenching the edge of the pool until his knuckles went white, jaw set and face stony.

Andy just wanted control over his element, but unlike the other boys and Ellen, it didn't come easy.

"I don't get it." He muttered, glaring at the crystal clear water. "The water should do what I want." 

You swam over to him, spreading his legs and swimming inbetween them. You took his face in your hands, brushing the pads of your thumbs against his cheeks, catching the water drops that clung to his tanned skin. 

"Give it time Andy. It took the boys a while to get the hang of it." He sighed, kicking the water with his face. He was jealous. In every battle, he wanted to be able to use his gift, to be able to show his friends that he wasn't just some skinny pathetic asian nerd, but someone who could actully stand up for himself.

You took his hand, skimming it over the water before gently gliding it under the cool liquid.

"Keep trying. You'll get it soon." He sighed again, before kissing your forehead and slowly sinking into the pool. You smiled softly, watching as your boyfriend sawm beneath the water.

And then all of a sudden, three large orbs of water came soaring out of the water, the sudden movement earning a squeal from you. You watched as Andy twirled his finger around, the orbs following his every move before he sent them crashing down to you, showering you in cold droplets.

He swan towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning in to plant a kiss on your frowning mouth.

"Looks like I got the hang of it." He said, chuckling before leaning in to kiss you again. "All thanks to my beautiful teacher." You couldn't help but smile, pushing his dark hair away from his eyes.


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So I wrote this whole thing on a bus to an art gallery for school, so thats cool. 

I have a new imagine/ preference/ one shot book for The 100.  So if you want you can go check that out.

Umm, i havent been active since Ive been really busy, but I'm still trying to update when I can so all the love is appreciated.


Nowhere Boys ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora