Writing Challenge 2016

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Throughout these past few months, my writing has improved, but the content as decreased in amount. So, inspired by one of my friends I've decided to take on the December writing challenge. Each day comes with a new focus as to what I am to write about, and it will move through the different boys.

Because I am also doing this on my The 100 imagine book, I will alternate days. THE OTHER BOOK will get updated through this challenge every second day, eg. December 2nd, December 4th. THIS BOOK will be updated every odd day, December 1st, December 3rd.

I'm going to try and get as many done as possible, and if I miss any days I'll try to catch up further down the track.

I'm on holidays now for two whole months, and am looking for more inspiration, so if anyone has any ideas, that would be fantastic.

Will x

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