How he is with your children

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Jake-He's the kind of dad who never want to see his children get hurt, but he'll always be there to split up arguments and to calm down the kids when everything becomes to hectic. He would introduce them to different sports and game, trying to be active more than talking, but when he is needed to talk, he'll be gentle and calm, wanting to make his child understand him as well as still be on his side.

Sam-He babies them, he's the type of dad that if something bad were to happen he would tell the kids, "Don't tell mum." He always spoils them, whether they've been good or naughty, and he always knows how to cheer them up. 

Andy-Andy's strict, but is still a good dad, always making sure they are okay, and being good to their mother. He has clear goals set for their future, but if they decide to lead their own path, he's fine as long as they are safe.

Felix-He's a big bear to your kids, if he's mad or having a bad day, all you have to do is put on of your babes in front of him, and he'll soften immediately. He'll want to protect them, but not hide them from the world, helping them to get back up. And he'll always take the night shift.

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