-How You Met-

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Jake: He was always the show off, kicking footballs straight through the tall goal posts to gain your attention at footy training, but it never worked. Instead you were focused on something else. But one day, when a foot ball was kicked to high over the metal fence, Jake offered to collect it, knowing it landed near you.

He strode over, his long legs brushing through the tall grass that ran around the bench you sat. 

"Good day to be outside, hey?" You looked up at the voice, smiling lightly as you saw Jake Riles standing over you.

"Yeah, my brother does training with you so I came down to watch." He smirked at you, picking up the ball.

"Well, maybe you should keep an eye on me to, might see me do something impressive." With that, he winked at you, before jogging back to the oval.

Sam: The skate park was quiet for a Saturday afternoon, only you and your cousin on the ramps. But then you saw him with a backwards cap and a dirty skate board, climbing up the half pipe. You watched as he skated down, stopping for a moment at the top, before he rolled right back down. He came back to the top, moving out of the way so you could take a turn.

You shot down the pipe, spinning your board as you got to the top, then sliding back down to the pavement.

"That was impressive. Where'd you learn that?"You looked at the boy, his large smile covering his face as he looked down at you from the platform.

"My uncle taught me."

"You mind teaching me?"

And as the sun started to fall, the two of you skated around the park, mindlessly talking and wasting time.

Andy: You pushed the trolley across the fraying carpet, scanning the titles of the old books, before stopping to push a book from the trolley back onto the shelves. You huffed lightly, looking at the clock and urging it to go faster, wanting your shift to end already so you could go home.

"Uh, hi." A teenage boy looked to you, his black hair hanging around his ears and his fingers fiddling with his bag straps. "I was wondering if you could show me where this book is? I couldn't find it in the non fiction section." You smiled at him, nodding while looking at the piece of paper held in his hand.

"Someone borrowed it last week, so it will be in the returns." You showed him the box of paper backs, and his eyes widened. "Here, I'll help you look, it'll take a while." A grateful smile appeared on his face and the two of you sat down at the table, going through the box for the rest of the day. 

And by the end of it, though you hadn't found the book, he left you a book mark in your book with a number scrawled across the bottom.

Felix: You bounced your little brother on your lap, wiping away the salty tears that rolled down his cheeks, but his cries only got louder. You sighed lightly, patting his back gently as the both of you waited for your mother to be done in the doctor's office.

And finally he fell asleep against your chest. You watched as a tall brown haired boy came into the waiting room, wheeling a boy in a wheel chair. His frown was deep as the younger boy talked quickly. The teen took the only space clear, next to you before he turned back to his brother. 

"But Felix, what if it was possible to travel through dimensions? That would be so cool." 

"Oscar, can you just drop it now? I don't want to think about it." His brother huffed, but was quiet, turning his attention to his phone.

That's when your brother decided to wake up and start crying again. You tried to calm him down, when he suddenly saw the boy called Felix sitting next to you. With a stubby little hand, he pointed to the boy, making the teen's eyes widen and swallow.

"He seems to like you." You said to Felix. He nodded, not turning away from the baby, but instead taking a glance towards you.

"I don't know why, I'm not that easy to like."

"Maybe not, but you caught his attention, and that means he likes you."

"What about you, do you like the look of me?" Spilling out the question, he gulped. You thought for a moment, before a smile came onto your face.

"I think I would, if I got to know you."


Hey guys, doing some updating before I officially close this book, because there are some pieces in this I'm not that happy with.


Will x

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