Personal Announcement

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So over the last two years I've been living a really hard life which most people don't know about. I won't go into all the details about what happended and all that shit because it's something that I want to keep to my self.

I'm telling you guys this because I've been getting a lot of messages asking me how I am and am I alright. And instead of choosing the option of just sticking to the same old lie of "I'm good" or "I'm fine" I've decided to come clean.

Last year about half way through I was diagnosed with 2nd degree depression and 2 degree anxiety. As I knew before the counceller appointment, both of these things are common in the world, and so many people around me face the challenges every day.

I wanted to kill my self at about June July period, because I felt like I didn't fit in and I wasn't right. I had no dad and I hardly knew my family in a sense that I felt that I was never part of it. It was year nine, and the stress of future decicions and my life were taking its toll on my body mentally and physically. A friend started to worry and told my parents who then signed me up for counselling. I don't see the friend or counsellor anymore because of personal reasons but counsellingwas one of the best things I could do for my self.

Some days I have good days with the help of my friends and my hobbies, and other days I have moments where I wish I didn't exist. Some times I have moments where I want to spew out my stomach because of how anxious I get, all because of a decision.

Look, like a lot of teenagers I'm scared of how people see me, because of past experiances. I hate people judging me for how I act, or look. Sometimes I don't feel comfortable in my own body.

Right now this is me, and right now people are going to have to accept that. I don't like my self, and I don't take compliments very well. This is me.

I'm not perfect, and I know that no one is perfect and we all have a flaw, but for once in my life I want to feel comfortable in my body, my life, my communtiy.

This year I've gained amazing friends that I love so much and who are the people who make me smile and laugh when I most need to. They help me along the way, and even though they don't know, I reckon that they are one of the most important things in my life. They have accepted me for who I am and have welcomed me into their lives. I don't know what I would do without them.

You, the readers of my books have been so helpful, the support you have given this book is amazing and I am so thankful that you guys support me and what I enjoy doing. In less than a year I have gained so many followers and this book has reached over 30,000 reads and over 1,000 votes. You guys have helped me to grow and become the writer I pride my self to be.

So now this is me signing myself off for the night with a thank you and lots of love. Each and eveyone of you have helped me grow and love my self that little bit more. Talk to me any time, I am here for you all.

Love you guys so much and thank you.


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