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"I hate you, I never want to see you again." You screamed at him, tears running down your face and your clenched fists pounding on his chest. Your boyfriend pushed you away and with his other hand slapped you across the face for the whole restaurant to see. As you stumbled away from him, a collective gasp rang out across the diner.

When the two of you first came to the diner only an hour ago, everything seemed fine in the public eye. But things change ever so quickly. Harsh words were exchanged between the two of you as the night went on and before you knew it, the two of you were screaming at each other from the top of your lungs.

Once upon a time your relationship with him was happy and fun, but now all it was was a nightmare.

The sting on your cheek was enough to bring you back to your senses, and without a moment to waste, you grabbed your bag and ran out of the diner and straight home to your apartment. You unlocked the door, tears clouding your vision as you stormed into your room. Collapsing onto your bed the salty drops fell down onto your pillows as you sobbed. You knew that you couldn't go back to him, go back to that horrible relationship. But you kept asking yourself what happened, what you did to make him want to cheat on you. Were you not pretty enough, smart, sexy? Did you not pay enough attention to him?

A weight landed on your bed, and a hand gently pulled your hair away from your face, revelling your ruined mascara and puffy eyes. Dougie sat next to you, a worried expression painted across his face.

Your best friend and roommate, Dougie was always there for you and would drop everything to be next to you during a hard time, and right now that's all you needed.

"Y/N, what happened? I thought you and your boyfriend had a date tonight?" He lay down next to you, fiddling with your fingers as the tears kept falling. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it and instead buried your head into the doona. He sighed, stroking your back.

"We can talk about it in the morning, do you wanna just relax with ice cream and Netflix?" You nodded, earning a small smile from him before he left to grab ice cream and his computer. You didn't want to move from your comfortable position, but you pulled yourself up and snuggled under the doona, turning your phone on silent before greeting Dougie again with a weak smile.

He chuckled and put the computer and ice cream down, passing you a few tissues to wipe your eyes with. You wiped them down, and as you pulled them away, you noticed the black streaks that covered them, mirroring your face.

After watching two movies and eating a full tub of Rocky Road ice cream, you finally wanted to talk.

"He hit me." You blurt out, focusing on the movie that played on the screen in front of you. You heard a choking noise from beside you, and you noticed the anger in Dougie's dark eyes.

"He hit you?" His voice rose, but stayed calm. You looked down into your lap, not wanting to talk about it anymore. But it was done, and you couldn't turn back.

"It wasn't working out anymore." You said. "I needed to end it, before it could hurt me more." You let out a sigh, watching as Dougie fisted the sheets in his rage.

"I'm sorry, I understand the not working part, but he fucking hit you." Dougie bellowed. You groaned, turning your cheek to face him. He gasped at the red mark, and gently led his hand over it, trying not to touch you. Tears were in his eyes as he took your hands in his and made you face him. 

"Y/N, I'm so sorry, but I need to make a promise to you. I love you with every fibre in my body and I will never let you be hurt again. I will protect you from everything that comes to harm and keep you safe in my arms. I was hoping you broke up with him because for the last four years I've wanted to be able to call you mine and even though you might not li-" You stopped the mans rambling with a small kiss on the lips before nuzzling his neck. 

"Yes Dougie. I like you to." And that was all you had to say to earn a large smile that brightend his face and put a shine in his eyes. He finally could call you his, and you could feel safe. It was all the both of you wanted.

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