Imagine for Dying_Fire_Lives

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It was the first day of the new school term, and you stood out side the school doors. Not wanting to enter. Mia, your bestfriend finds you, and hooks an arm through yours, pulls you through the doors. All you could hear were locker doors slaming, people walking to homeroom, chatting, being idiots and just having fun. And then you heard him.

His voice came to you through the other noises in the crowded hall. And you saw his face, him smiling at someting that Andy had said.

"Y/N?" Felix shouts. You snap out of your daze and walk towards the group. He stands there, a grin plasted over his face.
The bell rings and boys head to class, leaving you and Felix alone in the hall way.
"Soooo." he says. You giggle.
"Yes?" You mumble back. He turns your body to face his and leans down, so his lips are near yours.
"I want to tell the others. Tell them we're dating I mean." He says, looking at you. You nod, and place your hands in his jacket pockets.
"I guess. I mean we've been going out for two months together. And I kind of want to stop going behind their backs." You say smiling.
For the last 2 months the two of you had been dating but Jake, Andy, Sam, Mia, Ellen, and Saskia didn't know. You didn't want to tell them until you knew that you guys worked together.
"So, I tell the guys and you tell the girls?" Felix asks. You nod.
"Recess?" He says. You nod again, before softly planting your lips on his

You sat outside of the school and waited. You could see the other three girls slowly walking over. Under the tree you could see Felix talking to the boys.
"Y/N?" Mia asks. You look up. "You wanted to talk?" You nod as she, Ellen and Saskia sit down on the benches.
"I need to tell you guys something." You say slowly.  They look at you waitng for you to speak
"Well. Felix and I, um. We've been going out for two months now, but we didn't tell you unless things went wrong." You say.

You look at the girls. Then Mia stands up and pulls you into a hug.
"We kinda guessed." She said giggling. "I mean, the way you guys look at each other, and how you walk home together and blow us off on the same night." She steps away. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the boys plus Oscar coming towards you. You look at Felix, and he smiles. He walks over to you, and wrap an arm around your waist. 

The rest of the recess you and the group just laugh, and enjoy eachothers company. You were happy that  you and Felix told the others about your realation ship, you felt like it was easier for you to be around them together. And thats how you wanted to stay.



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