Felix Imagine 2

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Felix's P.O.V (Point of view)

I walked along the path towards Y/N's house, hoping she would be there to awnser the door. We were supposed to hang out tonight, but every time she made a lame excuse about homework. And every time I hear her parents yelling things at her, and every time, she tells me to dissaper. Shes says, that she'll see me at school the next day.

But I never do. She comes after a couple of days, with brusies on her wrists and thighs, but every time I want to talk about it, she ignores me.Well, tonight would be the last night.

I walked up to the door and knocked. I hear something smash, and someone yelling. No one came to awnser the door. I looked through the windows, but I couldnt see anyone.
I walked to the back of her house, claimed the ladder to her verandah and jumped the railing with a little difficulty. The lights in her room was off. But I could tell that she had gone somewhere in a hurry. And there was red stuff in the floor. God knows I did not want to know what that was.

She wasn't here. I call her mobile. No awnser. Im starting to get worried.
I run over to Jakes house, hoping he has an idea of where she could be.

I knock on the door quickly. The door is yanked open, by Jake, looking bleary eyed.
I rush into the house, with Jake looking shocked.
" I can't find Y/N at her house. Shes not answering her phone." I say. Jake looks at, then grabs me by the shoulders.
"Man calm down." he says. I shake my head. I could'nt calm down. Not now.
"No, I need to find her." I yell. "I found blood on the floor Jake, in her room. And it seems to me, like her parents aren't the nicest people."

He looks at me, confusion in his eyes, when my phone rings. I whip it out of my pocket and see that its Y/N calling.


F- Where are you?
Y-Don't come to find me Felix.
F- Whats wrong with you, I'm coming to find you.

Jake takes the phone from my hands, and walks out of the room with it.

J- Felix need to find you Y/N. He's going out of his mind with worry. Just let him find you.
Y-No. I need to run away.
J-Don't run away. We need you Y/N. He needs you. You are his world. And he's going crazy. He sees the brusies on you. And you won't talk to him.
Y-Fine, tell him I'm at the old shack where you guys had you welcome home party.

Then she hangs up.

I run out of the house after Jake tells me where she is. The boys behind me, I sprint towards the shack.I reach the shack, shouting her name, just as I hear a feint cry from the wooden sturucture.

"Felix." she cries. I race towards her, and bring her into my arms. Her tears soak into my shirt, as I hold her tight. The boys arrive behind me, yelling our names.

Jake enters the shack first, and hugs Y/N.
"Never do that again." he tells her. She nods and looks at me. The rest of the boys hug her, and then they head home. Y/N comes back into my arms.

I kiss her, hard. Her ams wrap around my neck, playing with the tips of my hair as my hands hold her waist. She sits in my lap, her legs around my waist.
I kiss behind her ear, as she plays with my hair earning a moan from me. she laughs and buries her head in my chest.
This felt right. To have her in my arms was like a part I lived without. she was my fire. and I love her. I felt by kissing her I could protect her.
She told me everything. From when the beatings started, to why she didn't want me near her earlier. But she finally figured out I was staying in her life.

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